Sweep sweep baby sweep, Odoooooor go home. We beat you AT BASEBALL
Sweep sweep baby sweep, Odoooooor go home. We beat you AT BASEBALL
I thought of it, I asked (the powers) for it, and here it is! Apricot for the win!
Yes, this. Michelle Obama 2028. Take 4 years as a senator someplace before declaring as a candidate for president.
I’m always saddened when I find someone like you, clearly blinded by the agenda pushed by Big Mathematica. Don’t you know that everyone has their own logic and truth?
It is one of only about six words he can currently say. So proud.
Aw, i’m disappointed. I saw a link to this below the Michelle Carter article, and assume you were referencing its granting Gold to her dad.
I clicked through to the original study.
It’s like Rainn on his wedding day...
Omg, I must rush out and buy forest wolf, or was it jiggly balls,... Both being my best guess at shampoo and Xbox names I've seen.
You get two cookies for the lovely apt word pulchritudinous. Gross/pay whatever.... She rocked Lost in Translation.
Ugh, ER and the assumption that you are there trying to get high. My SO showed up at the ER with (I do not exaggerate) an undiagnosed hemorrhaging brain tumour. They found the tumor,but made him get out of bed to ask pleasepleasefor morphine as the f$&&n tumor expanded onto his optic nerve etc. Good news, he didn't…
How is DeMure doing now? He ok? Back to work?
“Every rape is not a hate crime” means pretty much the opposite of “not every rape is a hate crime”. Not to mention “decimating a contract” because who what now?
I think it’s impressive that your uncle realized that a tracheotomy was *required*, given such a successful situation. Kudos.
Wanted to let you know that this article doesn’t show up with a clickable title on my iPad... Meaning that there is some sort of display problem in ‘mobile view’. What I could see of the article preview was so interesting that I figured out how to get to here and comment. Thanks for sharing the link to this story.
I think that anyone who has looked at 10 billboards or read 10 magazines has to have seen at least one Crown Royal ad over the years.
Wut? It’s rideculous you’d say that any white person can pretend to be black because white people have no physical or cultural markers. Duh, well because physically there’s white skin? Ths woman had to wear makeup and fake hair. Ask Iggy Azalea how well cultural appropriation is working for her these days.