
Congratulations to contributing to the recent blight of "Outrage Culture".

Gawker is a contributor to the increasing extremism on the left. I can't count how many intellectually dishonest opinion pieces I've heard on Gawker, Deadspin, and Jezebel that treats anyone that isn't super liberal like they're an indefensible evil incarnate.

One side is fairly centrist while the other continues to grow batshit extreme.

I don't understand why you're leaving player preference out of this and acting like team preference is the only possible explanation. It's still just speculation, but black free agents not wanting to relocate to Salt Lake City or Minneapolis — or at least charging those cities a premium — seems like a pretty

Yes, because I don't feel that someone who engaged in public acts of incest should be speaking for people who have been sexually assaulted or raped. Those people can include people who have been victims at the hands of family members. You don't see the conflict there?

In other news the USA Department of Motor Vehicles called RIO and want their fax machine back.