Or as I called him this season on Fargo, “Fat Damon.”
Or as I called him this season on Fargo, “Fat Damon.”
You can like Bernie, but don't vote for him.he cannot win in November
Hillary Clinton has been dealing with a months-long migraine atop her many other migraines after it was revealed…
THIS. If shit hits fan, she would be cowering behind them.
How do you bat s#it crazy liberals justify 1.3 billion abortions since 1980 worldwide? Sounds like a sort of genocide. It’s time to figure out a real solution to this problem, are we so irresponsible as a species that we need contraception machines on every corner?
“Her family, however, remains unconvinced by the Waller County report”
LOL you fucking cunts think your opinion really matters. I may matter to those effeminate metro sexual faggots you hang out with that are forever in the friend zone.
Soccer fans will really appreciate his gamesmanship when Mike Brown jumps up and plays like nothing happened.
Well being a moon bat, I am certain you have a plethora of moon rocks and self loathing white guilt sycophant sand to unload too.
The moving scene was regrettably cut short by a counterprotest from the Washington Bullets.
"So we figured, hey, let's draw attention to racial inequalities in America by walking hand-in-hand out from this inflatable thing with a purple injun on it."
Cleveland receivers made the same gesture, but only because Johnny Manziel kept throwing the ball way the fuck over their heads.
The tear gas element of the tribute, however, seems a bit too on-the-nose for me.
Even as parody. Its shoddy.
Is this supposed to be a hot take?
I think we should just change all the names tomorrow: Redskins, Indians, Braves, Chiefs and Blackhawks, all gone.
Im offended that people are offended by the name. That pretty much meets the criteria for you to stop bitching about the name right? Because I'm offended? If you continue offending me by being offended then you're no better than Dan Snyder. In fact you're a hypocrite. An offensive hypocrite.
Congratulations to contributing to the recent blight of "Outrage Culture".
I don't understand why you're leaving player preference out of this and acting like team preference is the only possible explanation. It's still just speculation, but black free agents not wanting to relocate to Salt Lake City or Minneapolis — or at least charging those cities a premium — seems like a pretty…