
sure you can, now lets identify with THIS!

Well being a moon bat, I am certain you have a plethora of moon rocks and self loathing white guilt sycophant sand to unload too.

Well lets just loot and burn things until he does.

You of course realize that no less than a dozen eye witnesses corroborate the officers story right?

Meanwhile on the stock ticker Swisher Sweet cigar co showing jump over predicted earnings.

According to a preliminary report from a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter, police say that more than a dozen witnesses back Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's version of the events that led to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

well after all, his dad was a fag

Ok twat, vote with your va ja jay

No wonder women are regarded as low information voters.

And, even worse, pathetic white sycophants play along, too afraid to speak up and say, "hey, if black fathers simply stayed home and raised their own children, a lot of these issues would go away

The real problems are ignored, the people who mention them shunned, and instead we wait for an officer to kill a black teenager so we can pretend that such incidents are the primary reason why the black community struggles in this nation

Porn stars

mental health of Jezebel's staff and readers

Pay no mind to Joe, he is a redskin.

Fags are less than 2 % of the population, who gives a fuck.

Let me first say that as less than 2% of the population, I could give a fuck as to what you want to wave your hands in the air about.

Let me first say that as less than 2% of the population, I could give a fuck as to what you want to wave your hands in the air about.

but it is capitalism that crated

Emasculation of American boys by white guilt self loathing liberals.

Gets me every time.