
From Feige’s comments it would seem at least like Holland’s Spider-Man is also a big part of that new core group of Avengers going forward witht he future movies they’re planning on for him with Sony and in the MCU.

Amazing how he realized as he started his sobriety journey that maybe his marriage to another unwell person wasn’t a good idea, and walked away from the relationship. Someone call 911. Dude hasn’t said one negative thing about his ex, but here comes all the “He’s an awful person for moving on quicker than I wanted him

Could it ever properly be X-Force without Peter?

I used to like Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles and Jason Sudekis.

Sheryl Lee Ralph isn’t really a teacher. She doesn’t need to scold anyone.

Ok, but several days later, Brunson and Abbott Elementary are still being discussed because of Kimmel’s stunt, so there’s that.

JFC - do better. Everyone that’s covered the story has gone out of their way to NOT blame her except you and/or your headline writer. I notice that you CONVENIENTLY left out the rest of the police chief’s quote where he goes on to say that it is 100% not her fault.

This is going to be great. The first film was awesome even though everyone in io9 hated it. In a world in which Marvel is churning out 5 movies every month, I’m hardly going to get upset that a film that made over a billion dollars (with less than a 50 million budget) and received 11 Oscar nominations is going to get

Let’s leave that sort of snark in 2003 where it belongs. There are plenty of women on that site who telegraph the same vibe.

Wait, so world hunger would be ENDED by someone, anyone writing some cryptic $6B check?

She’s not doing an American accent. That’s literally how she talks. She was born to Egyptian and Palestinian parents, has lived in many places, including the US for the last decades.

Bobba Fett now:

The whole concept of an older Batman bringing the Justice League together is one of those ideas that sounds good on paper but felt like watching some alternate timeline. Batman is at his best as the reluctant team member with one foot always out the door. If Zack had followed Man of Steel with Man of Steel 2, followed

This film looks great. I honestly have no idea where the hate comes from. This feels like a love letter from Jason Reitman to his father’s legacy. Can’t wait to watch it.

call me whatever you want, i dont care. i’m excited as fuck for this movie! i just love Ghostbusters so much. ive never been one of those super nostalgic fans for stuff, but Ghostbusters is so ingrained in my childhood. from the movies to the tv show and the toys.

I’ve been worried this would be too too straightforward /serious a movie ,but that 2 seconds and “Have you missed us” with the GB theme ,put a smile on my face .

Again, this just sort of looks like it’ll be the Force Awakens of Ghostbusters. And since that movie was fun and enjoyable, good! I’m fine with that. Bring on the TFA of Ghostbusters. 

Look, the two bombings happened three days apart.    Maybe he had shit to do those days.  He’s not just going to drop everything.

Woah, there are spoilers here already?

Exactly why superhero movies are really hard to buy into for a lot of people. If the guy had the power to stop shit and stood by watching, then how can he call himself anything but an evil asshole?