
This article is silly. Back when AOC was running an improbable Democratic primary, no one in the media (including Jezebel) was paying any attention to her. Glenn Greenwald, TYT and other leftist outlets were the only places she got some attention which helped her win.

Glenn is gay, dude.

This article seems to imply that Rukmini took the brunt of the backlash while a man got away scot-free. That's not what happened and it's disengenous to frame this as a story about sexism. 

I’m sorry but I take issue with the way you’re framing this story. Rukmini isn’t some damsel in distress who was forced to fall on her sword. She was a fabulist who stole documents from Iraq, threatened the family members of ISIS hostages and all around orientalist who peddled awful myths about Arabs & Muslims. She

...and the grift continues.

The next Trump won’t be as easy as a target to mock. He (or more likely, she) will be charismatic, cunning, patient & will cause damage the likes we haven’t seen.


Good. Black people voted for Joe Biden, and they can wallow in their decision for the next four years. 

Ilhan Omar was really ruthless, but in a good way. She seemed like a natural.

He’s not a Republican nor is he a conservative. He lives a lifestyle that can be construed as “culturally conservative” which offends a small but annoying clique of the internet. He likes hunting, UFC & goes to church. If anything, he’s in the Joe Rogan/reddit user subset: a person who finds liberals annoying but when

They managed to co-opt the language of feminism because modern white feminists prioritized symbolic victories like the number of women in a corporate boardroom over working class issues. It was so easy for them to swoop in and make it their own. 

I’m not a PR expert, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to sing a song that has lyrics like “Imagine there’s no Heaven” sung out of tune by useless celebrities when people’s grandmothers were dying.

Ah, an article about my religion. Time to take a big sip of coffee and read the comments section.

Bernie won. 

I’m sure she’s a good person and would likely make a great President, but her campaign has probably one of the worst run I have ever seen. Her team is composed of the most vacuous “Woke” white people ever who seem to think repeating platitudes they heard on twitter will get minorities to jump at the chance to vote

I genuinely hate everyone involved in this. Chelsea Clinton injecting herself into everything, the girl who decided her pain was more important than everyone else’s and the weirdo white people on both sides of the aisle raging about this on Twitter.

Bill Maher is an absolute scumbag but let’s not forget leftists who whitewashed the crimes Assad committed against Syrian Muslims & accused anyone resisting his authoritarianism as being in league with al-Qaeda.

I sometimes think there’s a link between political affiliation and having satisfying horizontal relationships. 

It’s plain gibberish.

She can’t. She can only dunk on conservatives on the most banal issues. The fact that she’s incapable of fending her friend & colleague tells me she’ll be unable to fight the good fight when it actually matters.