
After reading the entire essay and the comments section, I think the answer is fairly simple: an increasing number of young Americans are atheists because they find religion too hard. Living in a multicultural society with no one prevalent religion makes the transition to atheism/agnosticism that much more easier.

She's technically right.

I currently work in the US embassy in Afghanistan. I have a Bachelor's in Engineering, but I also speak Dari & Pashto.

Romney was fantastic. I loved the debate.

I can't believe people take this con-artist seriously. If I ever hear another woman complain about why so many other women are reluctant to identify themselves as feminists, one reason may be because feminist web-sites and blogs post trash like this.

Then speak up. It's as simple as that. As someone who is an Afghan Muslim who speaks English as a second language, I face an even bigger barrier than white western women. But I do so anyway.

I'm sorry, I think I accidentally skipped the parts of this paper that had evidence showing this so-called rise in needy men. Can someone point it out for me, or is this really just a meeting place for women to complain about their pathetic romantic lives?

MRAs are just as annoying, loud and pathetic as feminists. The constant protesting class in society has to shut-up already and realize life is not fair.

Jezebel, always at the cutting edge.

I thought the convention was fantastic. I teared up watching the Mitt Romney video, and absolutely loved Condi and Marco Rubio.

I feel like Jezebel is telling me something about Republicans, I just don't know what it is. Can you post two dozen more articles?

I love Scott Walker. Fantastic governor who always seems to clinch victory at the jaws of death.

Only after you change your tampon!

I'm a bit confused. You don't care about Andy Roddick and yet you have the time to write about him? Are you unemployed? Can I forward your resume to a few places?

Wait a minute, how am I a troll? This web-site seems to be more concerned with copy and pasting obscure news stories about "terrible" thing (white American) Men have done just so every user can complain about how horrifying the world is.

If the gals on Jezebel weren't constantly outraged, they would never get any exercise.

She also said it was just as likely to happen at the DNC as it was in the RNC.

Terrible article. When corporations, universities or producers show diversity, they're praised. When the GOP does it, it's tokenism.

Oh, dear. This is one terrible article. I'm still wondering who you will vote for in November.

African-Americans are feeling a sense of solidarity with President Obama, and feel that the criticism of him, however justified, is actually covert racism.