
Steadily taking over the DC pro sports scene. Feels absolutely amazing to watch this young man professionally mature in front our eyes right here in DC.

I disagree with charcoal suits only pairing with black shoes. I am of the opinion that cordovan and dark browns will perfectly suit charcoal. You just can't go with too light a brown—and that goes with any color suit.

It's a pretty high powered party when Tom Brady is just a "+1."

Why be so cynical? Can people not grow and mature?

Feminism is about establishing social, political, and cultural equality and rights for women. Not as much equal treatment as it is equal opportunity and respect. Now I'm not criticizing that ideal, and women have right to pursue whatever career should they so choose, but the bulk of feminism is about being taken

The number of PFs and Cs I'd rather have than Bosh is rather high. He may be worth more than 8, but no way more than 12 if you ask me. Bosh being a "max player" is laughable.

K Love
D Howard
L Aldridge
A Davis
D Cousins
J Noah
A Horford
A Jefferson
B Griffin
S Ibaka
M Gasol
B Lopez (maybe)
R Hibbert (maybe)

Plus a bunch of young

Yes it is different. Of course it is.

One last time...

I think Ken Griffey Jr. was a better player than Barry Bonds... and the kid didn't use/need steroids for his accomplishments.

It's Beadle!

Later, she failed her concussion test when she couldn't answer basic questions like, "What's with that outfit?!"

Yeah, but regardless of this game's outcome, that first half was amazing to watch.

Not as much as the NRA or their clients, the firearms industry.

Which week?

Different keys? Why, did jack white invent a key? As the Beastie boys informed us there's "only 24 hours in a day, only 12 notes that a man can play". And I know about sharps and flats. I think keys have a lot more to do with a singers range or maybe a particular guitar tuning than anything else.

White rock stars, continuing to imitate and steal from black musicians since forever.

The thing that bothers me about White is he acts like he pioneered this blues rock sound. He didn't, its been around for decades. He used his already established popularity and took a fraction of his White Stripes fans along with him to this "new sound", "his sound". But he needs to get over himself. He's ripping off

I will not verbally shame anybody for what they read, but I will always quietly think derisive thoughts about anyone I see reading Dan Brown.

I will always shame people for liking things that I think are dumb. But I'm a dick like that.

This play was about LeBron's ability to analyze the switch in defenders AWAY from him and predict ball movement. Also, it'd be 'Context, people, context.'