
I can, obviously, only speak for myself and my family, but I can say that although I will watch (live and on TV) a wide range of sports, I can't get with hockey.

Fun to watch it spliced together because you get a better feel for the teamwork it takes to do it. You can see the timing and footwork required from Blake Griffin and also the communications between them letting each other know they were ready or able to get ready for it.

I think it's called short selling.

That reminds me of the best karaoke performance I have ever seen - a very fabulous, very homosexual stranger doing 'Hey, Mickey' (as in Hey, Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey, Mickey...).

I wish I was a little bit taller/I wish I was a baller...

Dang, does your wife know you are starting a slow simmer just in front of a road trip?

Off topic, but not off topic - her dad is so over the top fantastic as a comedic villain in the BBC series Robin Hood.

And, somehow, within this lo-tech mode of operation he was able to download the Smug App as well!

Jockeys are bad asses. Crazy way to eke out a living. No fear.

Yes! More mainstream reading than boxelder's referral, but still pretty informative, the book Seabiscuit also describes how competitive thoroughbred race horses really are. They are fascinating animals.

Its funny because its true.

Yeah, ClueHeywood just went there.

Godzilla vs Mothra.

Karma? Tennessee hailed a cab from the airport in 2010.

Goddamn that DJ made my day.

A super lonely Rondo??
