U.S. Native Americans themselves instituted those blood percentage laws, though, mostly to keep Black Freedman (the descendants of slaves owned by Natives) from being recognized.
U.S. Native Americans themselves instituted those blood percentage laws, though, mostly to keep Black Freedman (the descendants of slaves owned by Natives) from being recognized.
I do pretty frequently. :P
This guy is obviously a total asshole, like an increasingly large percentage of the population of San Francisco. But the homeless problem is getting worse and worse, and the powers that be don’t seem to be concerned with doing much about it (apart, of course, from sweeping it under the rug for Super Bowl). Anecdata, I…
It’s one thing to point out crisis level homeless and poverty levels. We have a very similar problem here in Seattle, which recently resulted in a mass shooting at a homeless encampment called The Jungle. It involved three underage boys trying to collect on a $500 drug debt owed to their mother. Everything about this…
No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.
I’m in CB right now. We do say eh.
I do. All the time.
You are SUCH a liar. Plenty of Canadians say “eh” so much that they don’t even realize they are doing it. Also, “sorry.” It makes me smile every time.
Really? I do.
Must depend where you’re from - i’m from rural Ontario and i know i say ‘eh’ all the time.
Oh honey, I think it’s 150% time to go back on the Lexapro.
Not my bag, I’ve tried therapy and been recommended CDs and books like this. It just really, really doesn’t help. But thank you for the recommendation!
I need to start smoking more weed on my period hahha I do think it would help, except the fact that I am USELESS when I am high. Like, utterly useless, dumb, sleepy, space-cadet. But I guess that’s better than being useless because I’m so sad I can’t move haha
I’ve crawled into a ball and wanted to die over much less significant things than losing a fight.
People will no doubt crap on Rousey for the babies comment, but I can absolutely sympathize with her on losing a fight in such a bad manner. Especially for someone who spent so much time on top, it must be hard coming down so hard (no pun intended.)
Most white people have no opinion about this song. Of the white people who do have an opinion, most are listening to, requesting, and/or purchasing the song. Don’t believe Gawker that there is some sort of organized race riot... the story here is invented for clicks.
why is this non story getting attention?
James makes Jax look like an elder statesman.