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    The Dowager laughing about Spratt was wonderful. Spratt's barely moving lips when talking always made me laugh. Moseley and Baxter are the cutest couple. I felt the writer forgot about Tom's singlehood and suddenly threw the editor lady in at the last second. Poor Tom, he was the first to lose his spouse, and they

    I didn't like this episode starting with morphing Scully into an alien. The episode felt forced, messy and I-don't-know-what-I'm-writing-Carter.
    There were nuggets of niceness, starting and ending with Scully The Awesome No Matter What.
    I always liked Monica so was happy to see her but I didn't like how she was written

    I didn't read that article, but it happens on the beach when Scully is doing her long monologue. She is talking about William and says something like "I cant help think of him Fox." It's before or after she tells Mulder he will find all his answers and she will be with him. I had to rewind and play it over a few

    Exactly. There's no impact of Smoking Man's character in this reboot. Would have been better to bring back Krycek ! This episode didn't have any X File feel, rather it felt like any cop show plot of the week…minus Mulder's trip…which had me wishing to see Walter Bishop tripping with him !

    Agent Einstein was very annoying. Wish there had been more of Skinner and the Lone Gunmen! My favorite part of the whole episode was the last part, Mulder and Scully holding hands and being so comfortable again with each other. Exactly why did they resurrect Smoking Man if only to put in 2 cameos?

    I always found that episode boring but didn't it show, during Mulder's hypnosis, that in every lifetime Mulder and Scully are connected somehow? is that right?

    I just realized, Scully called him Fox in this episode. That hasn't happened since Tooms.

    so true! Even though they aren't officially together, we all know they are together, soulmates forever. The chemistry between them is still there and this ep really showed that.

    That explains a lot. It's just that GA's voice is very distracting but if they every do another season, hope she will be fine.

    Oh…and I want more of Skinner next time !

    I also thought of Arcadia. GA keeps doing that croaky, tired voice and then here and there, she talks normally. She was normal all through lizard-man ep. I couldn't stop laughing during the "Downtown" song, dunno why- it made me think it was a morbid Juliet Burke moment.

    I was thinking about Fringe too. Back then, some episodes reminded me of XF. Now it's the other way around… The interior of that building, made me think of an ep of Fringe…especially the scene where Mulder sneaks and shows the cellphone he swiped to Scully. Both shows made in Vancouver….


    I heard that….Fox is so behind the times. But GA fixed that so maybe she can make them give Scully a desk!

    true. perhaps he can re-invent himself. His eyebrow aerobics were funny though.

    It's 2016 and Scully still doesn't have a desk or her name on the door!
    Hope they bring back Stupendous Yappi for a cameo ..

    AAA did a great job with the character of Eko. He was one of my favorites. Even in re-watch I am sad Eko died. I disliked Nikki and Paulo then and dislike them now; they got a backstory when poor Libby did not!

    Even now when I watched the show again, after all these years, I still feel sad that Mr. Eko died, that AAA left the show. He was one of my favorite characters…what great acting by AAA. I am still confused why as a candidate, Smokey could kill him, but I've read all the theories…overanalyzing Lost is a favorite