
Republican voters will crawl through acid-filled ditches lined with broken glass while snipers shoot at them in order to cast their ballots, so COVID-19 won’t stop them. Too many Democratic voters can’t even be arsed to show up when there is ISN’T a pandemic.

As another commenter said, in any state other than Mississippi (or, may I add, any other Southern state) that would be exactly what it is — a funny joke about the stress of forced togetherness. In states where lynchings were considered suitable for children, it’s an offensive reminder of a time that many people still

You have to go to ‘Settings’ and disable the function that will let just anybody join in.

Given that the people you and Trump hate contribute far more to the economy than you can accept? Yes, he would.

Smart people will take the money and not vote for him.

Either Trump and his crew are lying, or they’re telling the truth. If he starts hacking up his lungs, we’ll know either that he lied, was infected later, or has something else entirely.

Did you miss the line about the motion-activated cameras?

The informant made the identification, and black children are routinely seen as taller, older, and more physically developed than white children the same age.

Maybe the fatality rate IS lower because of undiagnosed cases, but it’s irresponsible to downplay the risk. Just because influenza kills more people every year is no reason to act as if COVID-19 is completely harmless. Fortunately, basic hygiene and some common sense can reduce chances of contracting it.

A proper sequel, rather than a remake? Sounds good to me.

You could just admit that you hate anyone darker than a manilla folder and save a lot of time and trouble.

That BS about prepositions is a holdover from the love affair we had with Latin. Twats tried to impose the rules of Latin grammar onto English, to the dismay of generations of students who now had to write clunky, overbearing, sentences.

The ones throwing around ‘triggered’ and ‘snowflake’ as insults have no sense of irony.

A lot of people are moving into the South from elsewhere and raising families. Demographics will reduce the Daughters of the Confederacy to a bunch of elderly, out-of-touch, racist, has-beens.

Nobody loves Nixon. People hate Trump for his vile behavior to date, and he’s still cycling our troops -- this time on behalf of Saudi Arabia.

Better to show up and find nothing than to ignore what seems like a BS call that’s about a proper crime. A noise complaint could just be a neighbor being a jerk — or he’s being a jerk but vandals ARE trashing the house next door. The complaint about someone refusing to leave could be the caller is an asshole, or it

‘Wasting police time’ is an arrestable offense in England, or was.

The back of the class is occupied by those who don’t want to be noticed or who arrive too late to get the better seats.

A holdover from when white guys let their hair grow out.

Oh, there are white people who do that. Right now, though, there’s nobody doing it on national or even state television (at least not to the extent of Markle the Asshole).