
Remember the two asshats who pointed guns at people walking past their property?

The world pretty much knows he breaks deals and promises. It’s our red-hatted fellow citizens who believe his lies.

Police are an obvious exception to that rule. 

We still act as if ‘nice’ or ‘good’ means being pushovers or ineffective. A ‘nice, polite’ bouncer still keeps the riff-raff out of the bar or club. A good person can still keep order. I’d argue that they’re even more effective because they’re not immediately getting into people’s faces or sinking to the bottom at the

There are only two reasons to copy or share something offensive:

Yep. Regardless of age, when it comes to BIPOC, the police see “(Name) male” or “(Name) female.” Sheesh.


Basically, they’re the REAL Hebrews and modern Jews are fakes.

I ordered practice bullets and got a package of sewing machine needles. My re-order was correct.

Every defender of this asshat is all about Ms. Hill hitting her car (and being argumentative). We can debate the flaring tempers, but striking a vehicle with a fist is NOT a reason for the driver to pull a gun. All that stupid racist had to do was stay in the car and call police if she felt threatened.

The stupid-haired guy who’s always talking about aliens on the History (sic) channel might be right when it comes to us white people. They did something thousands of years ago and 90% of the carriers came to what’s now the United States (the remaining 10% are the nutters elsewhere).

All those young people hopelessly fouled the data the campaign needs to hit people up for campaign contributions. They trolled Trump’s crew so hard that real trolls (that turn to stone in daylight) saluted.

People call 911 because the drive-thru worker forgot the fries: this video’s for real.

If the drive-thru was closed, he wasn’t blocking customers. Even so, that required a different response than killing.

‘Chad’ is that annoying white mansplainer hipster douchebro.

The same people who swath their faces while brandishing guns refuse to wear masks to protect others.

Especially when you’ve been taught to do so. “At least I’m not black” kept (keeps) poor whites from rebelling against exploitation and/or questioning the system that oppressed them. 

The political/social majority always has a problem with the political/social minority speaks up. Doesn’t matter how these groups are defined: the moment society’s default is reminded of the rest of the world, the whining begins.

What they don’t want is for the ‘unworthy’ to have anything nice. They’ll live in a sewage-filled ditch and eat garbage as long as they can see non-whites, non-Christians, and LGBTQ in the same circumstances -- even as they complain about living in the ditch. After all, if it weren’t for minorities wanting stuff, they

His ‘great job’ included lying about and minimizing the virus; spreading conspiracy theories; refusing to invoke the Defense Production Act in favor of private business making and selling PPE to the highest bidders; questioning the need for ventilators; favoring governors who sucked up to him; claiming that medical