
What was up with her teeth? Did they make her wear falsies??

Word. I know my individual child really well and am probably in the best position to judge how well or poorly she’s doing on an overall basis. But the areas in which I do not know what specific course is BEST for my child are vast. Is it best to wait and see or give antibiotics if she has an ear infection or UTI?

I got in a long Facebook argument with a stranger over this (it was midnight and I couldn’t sleep, Facebook arguments are my ambien) who said DeVos didn’t do anything wrong because now FINALLY parents have a choice where they send their kids to school, like that’s not already a thing that is allowable. I explained

I can’t imagine if Ds take the House that they’d hand the reins over to Pelosi again after her last disastrous outing.

Lol I went back and forth and decided to post the wrong thing instead of Googling the right info. This is what Curt Schilling must feel like on a daily basis using the internet.

I beg to differ. While Jalopnik also has it’s assholes I find it be a lot better than Giz because a lot of people there tend to be the older, weirder car people rather than the younger “feminism is why I don’t get laid” demographic that other car sites have.

The OP also ignores the fact that the system is designed by love of profit to take complete and devastating advantage of those in need. The courts, available jobs, childcare, healthcare, everything. It’s so damn gross I can’t even think about it for a long period of time or I rage stroke, which does nothing to help

Way to miss the point. Anyone would get tickets and lose their license if cops decided to spend all their time trailing them the way cops in racist areas follow black drivers around.

But if you can write a check that clears, suddenly you’re a good driver and no longer a menace on the roads?

yes. get out.

I don’t think its a writing decision that has made Titus the main character: I think Tituss Burgess is just that big of personality and that good of actor that the show was going to gravitate around him anyway. It’s like how Sheldon was originally not supposed to be the center of The Big Bang Theory, but the group of

He even encouraged her to “give Donald a hug.”

Story Time this weekend - complete with picture!

You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?

He’s everything Jameis wants
He’s everything Jameis needs
He’s everything inside of Jameis
That Jameis wishes Jameis could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to Jameis
And you don’t know why

Let’s get this straight though, he wasn’t hiding in the curtains he was among the curtains.

Yes confused indeed. The Bush’s, now Comey. It’s fucking weird.

My sister AND my sister in law are both teachers who use this program. My sister works for a severely underfunded urban district and my in-law works for a severely underfunded rural one. Neither of them make very much, despite both of them having Master’s and having received ToTY awards this year and last. Neither

Flynn held up the plan to retake Raqqa because Turkey didn’t want us giving more aid to the Syrian Kurds who are going to free it. They lined his pockets and he held us back from delivering aid that could have helped save lives within the ranks of our allies and hasten the end of ISIS in Raqqa.