
Finckle is Einhorn

salty and ignorant winning combination

yeah that will help the country you petty asshole, cry some more salty cunt.

Thank you !!!

yes this what i feel about badhras post, I thank the person for not attacking me in my question but I can’t help but have the same thought as you.

thanks for you response and your first couple sentences are my point, this site acts like it’s inclusive to everyone but I never see normal people with average body-types on display, i see no lifehacker like articles about how to make or get into cosplay, it’s always, well basically models hot models in cool suites,

thank you for giving me a explanation and not attacking, i disagree with some of your points, but I do appreciate, read, and learned from your information. I’m going back and reading what people are saying, it’s too bad we all can’t talk about this face to face, i’m better at expressing my self through speaking then

Thank you so much, I’m not great at expressing my thoughts in writing, I used to get upset on this site trying to find a voice so I really appreciate you understanding as to what I’m trying to say and you given badhras a real good response.

I agree with you, I have no beef with that but Kotaku loves to use the narrative of objectification when it suits them, so right now they look like hypocrites to me.  

Wow ya’ll bitch so much about the objectification of women, but you use a clearly sexual picture to grab the reader, then you showcase the cosplay aspect, this is objectification!!!! she uses it to her advantage and so do ya’ll when it suites.

Finckle is Einhorn