My response is a visceral DO NOT WANT.
My response is a visceral DO NOT WANT.
I still literally cannot believe this man is our next president.
If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.
“I would be very careful about exercising your First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Free speech in a Trump administration extends only to fawning praise, not to criticism or dissent of any kind. You knew this when you voted us in.” -said the scorpion to the fucked democracy.
I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald…
So he doesn’t want her to die. He just wants her to be punished for treason by being shot until she is no longer living. But. He doesn’t want her to die. Those are different things, you see.
Because thats what he calls women
There were 10 whole words in that tweet! You could hardly expect him to read ALL of them.
Beautiful execution, stuck the landing. 10/10
Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.
Mr. Trump was clearly joking!!! The liberal media needs to spend less time examining the actual words and rhetoric of Donald Trump, and more time examining Hillary Clinton’s urine and hair follicles.
Barack’s pictures with children and his genuine delight interacting with them is one of the 1,000 things I will miss about him.
It’s like people are racing to tell you how fucking stupid they are.
A NAMB meeting? (National Association of Mouth Breathers)
You know, the one good thing about this election is that it has made it very, very easy to spot the racists and perverts since they’re basically walking around with placards declaring their repugnance.
I’m sure if he offered them his dessert for a month his half brothers would’ve gotten him a real one.
This is what tons of people are missing with this story. While what he did was legal, it wasn’t “brilliant” or showing a “responsibilty to shareholders” (especially because it was almost certainly his accountant who worked this, not Trump himself), it was Trump using business failings/losses to enrich himself…
That near-billion that he lost through bad business deals... very likely was not from his own personal wealth, but from other people’s money. He swindled poor saps with tales of his ‘great business acumen’, got them to invest a near billion dollars, then drove it into the ground in one year. So they’re out ‘real…