Julie Maxim

Thanks for sharing. I understand what you are saying, as perhaps only people who have actually lived through this type of dysfunction might. The people who are put off by your comment and say things like ,"It's only a show," are missing a whole part of the series, and of Frank's character, that we get to understand

Love it!

I'm from Maine, and I couldn't agree more about LePage!

Yeah,something like that. Viewers forget that Ben is a seriously traumatized kid, who was a prisoner for 10 years, and then got virtually no mental health help! His emotional state, thinking, and people skills are the age level of the child he was. Doug could probably threaten him with pretty much anything to make

It showed it in flashback, at the end. When she was getting ready to leave the cabin, she heard Adam banging from inside the shed and let him out. Adam is who had the shotgun, when Doug asked her about it.Then he shot Doug.

Right! I hated her character more, in that moment, then I did the whole rest of the season….which was already a lot of hate, lol.

I only watched the first episode so far, but I don't understand all the hate. I loved Sleepers, though it's tough material to watch. I must admit that I saw this previewed and thought it was such a ripoff. But after watching the first episode, I kinda like it. And to those who don't like the material of Sleepers, it

Maybe Adam became kidnapper's favorite and he released Ben to take his place, so no one would ever look for for Adam again,and because he couldn't stand credit going to someone else (Hank).

Right. He could be so traumatized after all those years he really wants to believe he is Adam.

I'm wondering that as well. So he stole Adam's identity to escape. And the kidnapper can't tell the truth or try to get him back what with all the security that family and case provides Ben.

One thing bothering me about this article…it was made abundantly clear that the boys were being kept in a bunker in the woods, not the kidnapper's home. So his wife is not as stupid as the writer of this article is suggesting. Obviously, she is naive and that is the kind of woman he would want for a cover. But they

Right, if Adam never woke up (suffocated in box) then maybe…da da da…..the campaign shirt Adam was wearing, and knowing what he looked like, were what led Ben to claim to be him. If Adam never woke up, and Ben was some foster kid or something, he might have remembered Claire's face on the shirt Adam was wearing and

Maybe.There's got to be more to the story when we are only at episode 6, right? They wouldn't pull their only twist this early on, would they?

I didn't read the book. So I'm wondering if he will try to bring her through and it will age her? She would be like in her 80's? He would then have the choice to send her back and lose everything he did or keep her in the present and watch her die, having missed her whole life. I don't really think this will

It's hard to say when someone's had such trauma in their life though. Some people are born drama lovers, they just seek out attention and drama. We all know some of those people.
Other people just have really unfortunate lives. They don't want the drama, and wish for quiet and love. The way they were raised just

Sorry, just noticed someone already answered:)

He said that's what alcohol is for:)

Norma felt something with her foot and found a glove. She got out quickly, and then Norman came questioning her. All the craziness between the two of them happened after that, so she's been pretty preoccupied. She had the nerve worked up to check it out that once, but then couldn't muster her nerve again, I think.

I find it to be pretty true to life. Many abusers of women are pansies when it comes to fighting other men. I've seen it time and time again in real life. In this case, Frank is still a bully, even to men, but apparently draws a different line. Or perhaps he hasn't drank enough yet, so he lets Jake off easy. It also

Right on!