looks really safe!!!
looks really safe!!!
with the economy in the toilet and most Americans without disposeable income......nobody can afford to purchase a new car........Bidunce did that!!!
Chevy Citation or the Chrysler K-Cars.........not good!!!
when will you people get a clue??? EV’s are junk......they’ve been rolled out of planning and onto assembly lines too quickly and now all the bugs are coming out!!
when will you people learn??? EV’s are junk!!! what if there was an emergency and he needed to drive somewhere???
first...GOV should not be using tax money to get people to buy something.....not their job!!
EV’s are only driven by IDIOTS!!!
if these stupid tech gadgets don’t kill all of us, The CyberDyne T-1000 will do it!!
Ugly Colors.......that’s all I have to say about that!!
so if you were trying to pull something and you came to a standstill because the weight or force of the item being hauled was too heavy, the Tesla would shut down??? Am I interprting this correctly??
Best Winter Vehicle.....Sno-Cat......unless you’re Jeremy renner!!!
A new James Bond Movie......SkyHook!!!
Surprising, since they copy everything else from US or Western designs.....all their fighter jets are reversed engineered copies of US designs..........they can’t come up with Originals!!!!
why can’t you guys just come out and admit these EV’s are crap???...all of them.......and, they’re not better for the environment at all.....
I’m shocked that nobody wants to buy these EV POS’s..........Brandonomics is really working!!!! EV’s for all is 30 years away or more!!!
Nobody has any money for a new car now thanks to Bribenomics.......who woulda thunk!!! People that can’t pay their utility bills and buy groceries cetainly can’t afford a new car at any price.......poverty is more pervasive now in the US than anytime since the Great Depresssion!!!
Just pay 2700 for each kid and be done with it.......you can’t be a dad and make crappy EV’s at the same time!!!
Pieces Of Crap.......that’s what they are......KIT CARS that are made from substandard other POS cars!!!!
It’s called “Cutting Your Losses”.......they sell these crap EV’s and recoup whatever they can and replace them with REAL CARS that aren’t as expensive to maintain/repair and long term they’ll be better off!!