
He’s basically just repeating things that the Catholic Church has always been okay with (or at least has been okay with for a long time) that haven’t been emphasized as much due to the Culture Wars. If it helps one abused person who was guilted into staying in their marriage because they interpreted the church’s

“Six million people aren’t losing healthcare coverage and Scalia is throwing a baby tantrum. It’s a great day.”

Other big exciting news coming down from the Supreme Court today! Under the Fair Housing Act it’s enough to prove that a policy or practice has a disparate impact (ie the policy doesn’t have to be discriminatory on its face; if the policy has a disproportionately adverse impact on minorities it violates the FHA).

My understanding is that this is what makes the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation great. They mostly invest in healthcare (immunizations, mosquito nets), women’s reproductive health (birth control) & women’s education.

Ok so like, I have had 1.5 margaritas plus a glass of champagne so like, apologies for everything.

Wait! Could this be why women are often afraid to use official channels to report sexual harassment? Nah. Probably just lying sluts.

God, that’s horrific. That’s why women are conditioned to give men a “soft no”. Because they’ll fucking murder us otherwise.

So, enlighten us, MRAs: How are women supposed to know which of you fucks will pull this on them or not?

After he was fired, Kozak drove to his apartment to retrieve his gun and returned to the mall where he shot and killed the woman.

So stupid. The reason their sales are plummeting is the same reason Lululemon etc sales are plummeting: they got too greedy. The price of the clothing has crept up while the quality has dropped drastically. I’m not spending $150+ on some paper-thin piece of sweatshop crap that will pill and unravel after two washes.

Seriously! Her style is “this would look terrible on you but it looks good on me because I’m thin and ironic.”

NO, THIS IS NOT WHY. The REASON is that you introduced a ton of new cropped pants in DECEMBER, forcing everyone with an inseam of greater than 28” to find somewhere else to buy work-appropriate pants, nevermind that ALL of your blouses, sweaters, tops, etc have been structured like weird, cropped boxes or ponchos. The

They’re selling JCP quality at DVF prices. The shock that people who used to shop there for reasonable and reasonably-priced basics are fleeing the brand is genuinely hilarious.

Micky Drexler must have a mad crush on Jenna Lyons because what else explains her continued employment there?

We bought too much of the Tilly, which was a relative of the Tippi”

It feels very reminiscient of the National Enquirer and the John Edwards debacle.

Can I just say... it’s like 2 weeks later, and I’m still shocked that it’s InTouch carrying the journalistic water here. But good for them, for real. I know it’s kind of backhanded to say it that way, but I don’t know how to give them a compliment for the truly great work they’re doing here without it sounding

I’ll be honest with you, Kelly - it was painful. I’ve read Diana Gabaldon’s explanation for why it had to be this way, the rule of three, how it made Jamie and Claire’s love so epic and true and it was necessary for the story.

It must be noted that Clarence Thomas was the 1 in the 8-1 vote in a case that Scalia said was “really easy.”

She really has turned out to be one tough woman. Glad to see her turn what happened to her into such positivity. Mazel!