
Bingewatching, I’ve noticed, has made shitty things and plotholes disappear. For example, I watched “Dexter” from the start in 2006. First two seasons were good, the next six were complete garbage. Let’s not even discuss the finale. For the people I know who binge-watched it though? They love every little thing about

Get out in front of it before a 3 day weekend so by the time the bbqs are over we’ve all forgotten about it and moved on to something else. PR 101

I understand those who say people make mistakes, I really do. I would just like to remind them that some mistakes warrant jail time and a trip to the Sex Offender Registry.

An order of protection wouldn’t have prevented him from murdering her.

WTF. This is the saddest thing I’ve heard in a really long time.

Well, historically they’ve begun well. They fall apart after that, but he generally gets in one really superb season at first, and sometimes as much as a couple of good ones in addition to the first.

First, A++++ to the show for having zero Hines play the warden as he was the original Scottish Jamie on Doctor Who and the inspiration for our Jamie Fraser.

I found surprisingly little about this piece “clueless”. The author wrote about her love of traveling and her transition to not being as free to just up and go- none of it came out as a blatant disregard for her privilege. Your personal bitterness isn’t on her.

Also, if you get a signed statement from your physician saying that yes, you absolutely MUST have this medication, along with a bunch of other BS, after 6 months to a year, you have a small chance of the insurance company lowering your copay.

Love her so, so much.

Every time I hear her speak I can’t help but think that the wrong half of her marriage occupies the Oval Office.

My dad was like that. I love brussels sprouts know, but hated them growing up. One time when I was 6 he told me that I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I had eaten all my sprouts.

Get ready for comments like “kids should eat whatever is served to them or starve!”

this lip colour is perfect!

Gee, I wonder why people who work and live in heavily military communities often have an unfavorable opinion of the average servicemember, while people 500 miles from the nearest base whose closest relation to the military is their stepbrother’s nephew who did 18 months in the Coast Guard and got an other than

The water in your dishwasher goes into the sewer, too. It all goes into the sewer.

Sincere question: why can’t they just attend your wedding and show their love and support in their own way without all the formality. Personally, I’d much rather spend my time and energy putting together a nicer gift!

OF COURSE SHE IS HAPPY. This is EXACTLY what she wanted to have happen. I don’t care if people draw Mohammed or Jesus or any “revered” person in a blasphemous (or totally innocent) manner. I do agree that it’s free speech. However, she knew exactly the reaction she was going to get out of being so disrespectful about


To make this all even shittier, this woman is deaf because she contracted measles in foster care. There is a pretty good chance she’d be able to hear if she hadn’t been taken from her mother.