
Shaved ice is different than a snow cone.

Of special note is how Fox goes out of its way to point out that Vintage Cave offers memberships for $500,000/year — despite the fact that the President does not own one of these memberships...

Why is spring?

Good news is that the UPD and Tallahassee PD are investigating, so the criminals will be brought swiftly to justice.

Don't forget the "'I'm vegan for my health/ethics whatever' but not so secretly a neurotic anorexic and compulsive exercising maniac using veganism as a cover" diet. That one's a doozy.

You didn't shart enough.

Don't forget giving his pals work, and pairing them with impossibly hot on-screen wives. Seriously, whatever else he is, he seems to be a hell of a good friend.

It's probably gotten worse since you worked there. In the last 15-20 years, the attitude of corporate America has moved from semi-responsible providers of goods and services to purely profit driven assholery.

Obama - you do all this shit I can't possible agree with on a moral level, and yet I still fucking like you. Why am I wooed by your good looks and symbolic gestures?? I thought I was a stronger woman than that. I give in. #obama4eva

I understand that distinction, but I'm still appalled that they are being tried as adults. It just seems so wrong and so misguided. The difference between 12 and 18 is pretty significant, and when you add to that mental illness? I just don't see how they can argue that these two are, essentially, adults when they so

I am so ashamed to live in a country where a 12 year old could ever be tried as an adult.


ATTN: "Timber" is the best song of any year ever and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Oh Tommy. A very, very ancient Gawker Media law forbids commenters from asking questions like "who???" in comments because, as you so clearly know, if you're able to drop a comment into a post you are probably able to use this newfangled contraption known as Google. In the olden times, asking "WHO???" like a moron

Naturopathy is pseudoscience.

I'm confused at this comment. All the women I saw either had their legs clamped shut or crossed at the knee. Are you talking about women who have bigger bodies? Cuz I thought the reason why manspreaders are annoying is because their legs are splayed further than their hips and shoulders. If they had big bodies but

"It's not too crowded here," he says as his knee literally rests against the person next to him. God. Manspreading is clearly not a problem, because it is not a problem for him.

What's bizarre to me is how a lot of men don't seem to ever even think about how much space they take up. As a woman, that's on your mind everywhere you sit, every time. I don't know what it would be like to have never even thought of that before.

Can you guys do this bit on planes next, please. That's the worst!!

Said it on Gothamist and I'll say it here...