@Bonster: My birth control stops me from wanting to kill everyone in my life. It has worked better than every crazy pill I have ever taken. If anyone tries to take my birth control away, I doubt I will able to restrain myself.
@Bonster: My birth control stops me from wanting to kill everyone in my life. It has worked better than every crazy pill I have ever taken. If anyone tries to take my birth control away, I doubt I will able to restrain myself.
I loved Recipezaar but since it has switched to Food.com I can't stand the site. The sifter and its exclude/include tool that made it so popular now only gives you the right results if you know the exact ingredients one specific recipe calls for. It's a horrible decline from the days where you could search for a…
Here's an example of a really busy week's menu where I want home cooked meals without the hassle. If I'm allotting for leftovers for lunch it may vary but this week I didn't do leftovers for lunch.
For the crockpot:
@Donovanesque: I run into the same thing. Don Draper=meh, Jon Hamm in a St. Louis Blues hat = hot.
@rixatrix (jezebel kink squad junior member): I just wanted to say I really like and agree with your comment here.
@portia-potty: And you never hear about how a person with anorexia will make everyone else's insurance rates go up. I can't believe I left that one off of the list.
Spend a week reading comments on Above the Law or Corporette and you'll have no doubt about the judgments people make about overweight women.
I wonder if this new update is why my status updates no longer show up in my (or anyone else's) feed. And why Facebook has ignored the support requests to fix it. I know it's not a big deal or even a major issue but I'm disappointed I can't show off my dog in a graduation outfit and I'm suuuuurrreee all my friends are…
@RaisinGirl.OfficeGirl is posting from the future: Yes. I tried outlining my training plan for a triathalon and my exact reasoning to my husband and he just didn't get it. I also need to add in rowing and maybe some hand to hand combat techniques so I can avoid bites. If this shit goes airborne, I need to row to a…
@feathernotdot: I went to college with one of the accomplices and my roommate was friends with said accomplice. Utter douche bag is the nicest thing I have to say about the guy.
@louisawesome: You are confusing things you think are facts as things that are actually facts. It's clear everyone in this thread is looking to pat themselves on their back and dismiss the accomplishments of fat yet healthy women. My suggestion would be to challenge yourself, see the lifespan of fatties, see how…
@peoplevsgnomes: I have read triggering blogs so I stay away from most but I do read EatLiveRun once in a while. What I really like about the author? That she clearly has a developed life and blog life outside of just food and working out. She shows her food on vacation but she shows vacation. She seems to genuinely…
@louisawesome: Here's the thing. This article is addressing how specific individuals behave and their habits and how this individuals define their own health and how that may or may not match up to actual standards of health. You seem to want to take an entire subset of people and determine their health without…
@clevernamehere: I caught that too.
There was a food/fashion blog I read for a while where the author reflected a lot of ideas I had and it was fun. Then she started dieting. Whatever, I could scroll past those posts. Then she started weighing herself 4 times a day and if one weigh-in was not to her liking, she would starve herself to the next one. It…
@newmakcity: I understand that. I was simply suggesting we should remove both barriers to seeing the doctor and barriers for diagnosis and treatment. It needs to be all of that and this study shows fixing one will not fix both.
I love Lush's buttercreams for travel. I hate hotel soap for my body and the buttercream works to clean my body and it doubles for shaving. Plus, it basically has a lotion in it so I don't need to bring a container of that. I love A Ring of Roses for my scent of buttercream.
@newmakcity: Exactly. Race isn't a ball and chain forcing you to not go get diagnosed. There are clearly barriers in place that impact when or why POC seek medical care and/or the care they are offered and we should seek to change them instead of throwing our hands up and declaring there is nothing we can do.
@rodmanstreet: I would do him and/or Pam without ever asking questions.