@LovelyHue: Nothing sets me off more than The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. I bawled forever.
@LovelyHue: Nothing sets me off more than The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. I bawled forever.
@Dorilys: I love the first movie's costumes. The dorky little hats!
I'm letting the dough rise for my latest batch of the Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls. If you have never made them, do it ASAP. They will change your life. The maple glaze, the gooey buttery cinnamon centers, I can't wait.
@IBleedGlitter: The High Priestess of Tinsel: Can I just do that anyway? Sometimes people can be real asses and I wouldn't want to deprive them of their right to experience a crotch-punching robot too. You should work on a name for the creatures.
@skahammer: But if you don't do those things and a crime is committed, what then? Do people harass you, defend the criminal, call you the equivalent of a slut, etc? Society still doesn't place the blame of being a victim of a crime on you in all of those cases. Cops will investigate and prosecutors will attempt to…
@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: That's true. When my home was broken into, the questions asked were simply "When did you leave?" and "What was taken?" basic accounts of fact to determine what happened. That's rarely the case with sex crimes.
@skahammer: In an extended form, yes. Most men who have raped in ways other than the obvious "men in bushes jumps out and takes a scratching and clawing woman" don't define their actions as rape. It isn't rape if she's drunk, It isn't rape if she's passed out, etc. Teaching all men that if they do those things, they…
Of course I believe I have to take personal responsibility to not be raped or sexually assaulted.
@Blaise Astra Parker: It always reminds me not to take my voting power for granted but I do often leave many ballot choices blank because I'm sick of only evil people as options.
@boxspelunker: I'm having flashbacks to when 8 year old me wanted to know why I couldn't be painting at the table and my dad had papers all over it. Apparently I wouldn't shut up so my dad made me do taxes with him. Cruel and unusual punishment.
@donveynor: And dishes. You forgot that women should be doing dishes if somehow their man and child don't need them at that moment in time.
@Sorsha: It's kind of weird but it worked for my dad/grandpa. My grandpa doesn't have Internet but he owned land and real estate agents in that area charge 8.5%. Since it was just land transfer, it was fairly easy to get rid of and the buyer lived in another state too. I seriously have no clue why anyone was looking…
@Ms Meghan is Reppin' the Triforce: I totally cheat. I have several Sonia Kashuk brushes, 3 MAC ones and I buy dupes at Michaels and Hobby Lobby in the paint section when they have sales. Anything used for lining or the eyes is fairly easy to match and anything for the face I spend the money on.
@mannequincomplex: I have naturally curly hair I straighten but I want to add volume with rollers and yet every time it either falls completely out or holds the exact shape of the roller. Any tips?
@NellMood: Bingo. I'm covered via my husband's insurance but I'm unemployed and have a zillion conditions that mean no insurance company would touch me if I had to shop for my own coverage.
@this_charming_one: I had passed over it on first glance but now I don't know if I can resist it. I can really see myself in it this winter, either dressed up or down.
@CurtCole: Congrats to you too! Second monitors are priceless. At home, I use mine to watch Netflix while I pretend to work on the other one. And if you see Franco with ice cream, send him my way when you're finished. I don't mind if things have melted.
I'm sorry that things will no longer be handed to men by men just because they are men. I'm sorry men are suddenly feeling defined by the same gender roles they created.
I feel as though I have been tricked. I watched all of the movies so I could be prepared for the day I could see a vampire C-section in 3d and now this happens?
@CandyBacon: But he can issue an executive order. Frankly, I think that's the only way it will end up happening.