
You sound like you have an awesome collection of dogs!

You sound like you have an awesome collection of dogs!

It might actually make a nice coda to the Secret Empire event to have Magneto put together a team of Jewish superheroes a la Inglorious Basterds to hunt down the Hydra-connected villains with Nazi ties (Red Skull, Baron von Strucker, Arnim Zola, the Fenris twins, Zemo, and Sin).

To be fair, Cap was also racist as hell:

Comics back then were actually far bigger money than they are now.

Happy belated birthday!

Batman/Grendel is probably my favorite inter-company crossover ever. Not only is it not gimmicky, but as far as I know it’s unique in the fact that the crossover heroes aren’t really the main characters.

They should use Influenza A. That way memes can truly go viral.

Wouldn’t it be weird if they actually ran better? Like if the graphics, audio, and overall performance became noticeably better? Would it become customary for gamers to “pre-treat” all of their cartridges before playing? Would people advertise post-digested ones on eBay? I bet there’s totally an alternate universe

This combo doesn’t make up for the Hulk’s biggest weakness which is his lack of a ranged attack (other than the occasional “slap his hands together to create a shockwave”). I mean, all anyone with telekinesis or something similar has to do is lift him off the ground and he’s basically harmless. Combining Hulk and, I

White Wolf pretty much owed the inspiration for the entire World of Darkness to Paxton’s portrayal of Severen.

Lol, yeah I’ll do the thrust and grunt just so there’s no hard feelings. Then quickly dispose of the condom so no one knows it’s empty.

I think BJs ur hoff, too.

1. Her neighbors don’t yell the n-word at her husband. She made that up.

You’re gonna tell a kid that you just met that his father turned into one of the most evil people in the galaxy and you cut his arm and legs off and left him for dead on a lava planet?

I agree: this is absolutely amazing casting. He’s perfect.

So if you write something that’s exactly 17,500 words are you out of luck, or can you win both? The latter would be an admirable goal.

Frankly, I don’t want to see any old story rehashed. Write a new, good story.

Seriously. Dude looks like a creepy marionette from an episode of the Twilight Zone.

Those shorts make him look like one of those guys in old-timey cartoons who have to wear a barrel with shoulder straps because they’re broke and can’t afford clothes.