
It’s not actually a 45 lb plate, it’s a 20 kg plate. For Americans they round it off to 45 lbs (though it’s closer to 44 lbs) and will even label it as such. But full size Olympic plates go by kg and are color coded as well: Red = 25 kg/55 lbs, Blue = 20 kg/44 lbs, Yellow = 15 kg/33 lbs, Green 10 kg/22 lbs, and White

Well put. I’d also add that it’s traditionally the Agent’s job to find work as well as negotiate contracts. And in addition to providing guidance, a Manager is typically tasked with handling everyday affairs (scheduling, booking hotels, etc.).

God damn it, why’d you have to warn people about the stealing shoes part? That was going to be my new thing, stealing single shoes out from under the doors and partitions of restroom stalls. Now you’ve ruined it!

I’m with you. I hate “luck” as a mutant power. As magic, sure. But being a mutant is supposed to have a biological basis.

There’s also:

I’m glad they’re at least trying to correct for the fact that pre-Amadeus Cho/Valeria Richards, every top rank super smart person that I can think of, hero or villain, was a white male (at least at some point so including the Leader, MODOK, Zola, etc.).

Moondragon’s been a villain and has teamed up with Thanos before under certain circumstances. Terry Notary wouldn’t play her but she’d fit in the movie. She’d also tie-in with Drax.

“Playing by the book might be good for baking a pretty cake, chief, but it’s not going to get us Mendoza!”

Riiight. “Europe”.

Yay! More salmon for me!

That dog is a witch and can write and cosplays as Abe Lincoln. Fake or not, I’m pretty impressed.

I’m sorry you had to learn this way, but your husband is one of those reptile aliens disguised as humans.

You’d be hard pressed to kill a squirrel with this at 10 yards. Not to mention you can’t unstring the thing so the bungee is going to lose effective tension in a matter of days. And you need to take all the arrows out of the “internal quiver” before you can even fire it.

I don’t know, I’d rate it in the bottom bracket.

Ladyhawke is wonderful.

“Just tell me you love me, you pussy” is one of my favorite terrible final lines of any film.

JezSpin has always been a bit of harmless “eww boys!”/”girls are gross!” performance. True armageddon would be JezTaku.

Why, was your brother really hot or something?

In Soviet Russia....

I feel weird because I have literally never had a problem with static or my laundry not being “fresh”. I’ve never used anything like these or a dryer sheet in my life (lived mostly in the Northeast US if climate is the issue).

I feel weird because I have literally never had a problem with static or my laundry not being “fresh”. I’ve never