Julian Seguin

NO, she is NOT. It's merely suggested, but never actually proven or demonstrated. When they first fought, Kara did not hold back, and Kal did.

On that we can definitely agree…

You did not show BVS any respect. By bringing it forward as a topic of discussion, you expressed your dislike for it, and unnecessarily compared it to a show that should be great on its own. If you liked this episode, I will not complain, but don't tell me to give this show any sort of courtesy, if I didn't.


But they said he trained at the DEO. And yes Superman can be beaten. But the way Supergirl has lost to pathetic opponents on this series kind of makes him look rather weak.

Jesus Christ. STOP. Stop comparing this TV show to BvS. Stop acting like it's better. It's not. It's different. That doesn't mean better. I found the Batman v Superman much more powerful than this fight. Because in that fight, I actually wasn't sure who was going to come out on top. It was more than a stupid slugfest,

So you think I'm lying?

Which means nothing because Superman also worked at the DEO and trained with Martian Manhunter. And while Kara is grown up, you forget, Superman doesn't peak… he just keeps getting stronger.

Not really. This show is anything but faithful to the comics and not remotely canonical. Comics Superman is still top dog. And seriously are not having issues with the this Superman's behaviour? Blindly rushing in like an amateur, swinging wildly without any composure or skill and not using his experience to his

Wrong. Superman is stronger. The fact that she won AT ALL was disgusting. Seriously, read more comics. Superman has always been more powerful

WTf are you on about? Supergirl was never stronger than Superman. Ever. The comics always depicted and continue to depict him as the more powerful one. It was Kara not holding back that presented the illusion of her being more powerful. But if Supes from the comic went all out he'd beat Kara hands down.

Ah, the mystery of Archer's father. Well that's something that was never the focus of the show. It was always more of a subplot. We never expected Archer to find out who his father really is, and to be frank, I don't really care.

I made no assumptions. Certainly not ones based on previous seasons. I stated facts based on evidence.

It means he was reluctant to be the bearer of bad news. Especially to a sleep deprived, shell-shocked war veteran on drugs and at the end of his rope with rage and depression. There's nothing else to it.

Makes perfect sense… From your warped perspective. Archer has never "fucked" with us solely for the sake of it. There has always been a plan for everything… Every act, every line.

Well he IS a cop in this world. And to be honest he isn't that much better, if at all. He fired like twenty rounds, hit Lana's car engine by accident, and Archer was clearly exhausted from three consecutive days without any rest, which is evidenced by his flashback. In fact, I am concerned that he may very well die

Maybe Aku was unaware of the Guardian's time portal.

Christ, can there not be ONE review where a jackass like yourself can supress the urge to compare Supergirl with Man of Steel? There was NOTHING idiotic Zack Snyder's version, nothing at all. You want to argue about that, start a rant, but leave MOS out of the conversation.

If Supergirl had the powers he did, she'd do much worse. The only reason she doesn't cause these problems is because she can't. And to be fair, Barry did not cause many deaths, in fact, he did not cause any. Some things just happen.

NO, no it really isn't.
"You're all assholes for not trusting me. You kept shutting me up, ignoring me, and making insults at my expense. And you didn't forgive me. Not really. You just told me to be careful and didn't get the other jerks off my back."
Her anger is understandable, but her distrust is anything but