Julian Higgins

Now THERE'S an old reference! Haha, believe it or not Zack and I still chat about that project. One of these days!

Fascinating and really well put together analysis of fan works. Thanks for this.

Hah, sorry! If it helps, it was a little bit of both. I can tell you, we definitely were stretching dollars for art department. I know Melissa has a website, though I'm not sure how up to date it is (http://www.jakelloyd.net/m/) and I don't think Paul has one right now, but you could find his work on IMDB and

Some of us, definitely! I was a director on the original fan film "Fallout: Nuka Break", pre webseries. Zack was the producer, creator and co-writer of all of the Fallout stuff and Tybee was an actress in all of it. Our composer Dan Martinez was also the composer for the series. We've all been friends for years

Well, it's absolutely not any sort of major legal defense… We just kinda hoped they see it's done in good will and won't send us a C&D. Most companies (Lucasfilm for Star Wars, CBS for Trek, Warner for Mortal Kombat) are generally pretty understanding of fan made content, depending. We had a similar unspoken

Can't stop the signal.

Thanks, man. We'd love to do more sometime, but nothing is in stone yet. You can stay tuned to Loot Crate's social media (@lootcrate) for any updates if we do another one.

Hey, thanks for the write up AV Club! I check your site nearly every day and love your stuff. I'm Julian, and I co-wrote and directed "The Verse". We just set out to make something we'd enjoy as fellow Browncoats and fans, and also try to have some fun doing it. Gotta give full credit to Loot Crate (@lootcrate) for