Shoulda used Life Alert.
Shoulda used Life Alert.
Later, NBA.Com wrote that Jackie was being a total bitch in Bio and that Ricky is still cute.
@The commenter formerly known as Murray Hewitt: Hey, I can dig Ebony & Ivory...... when I'm stoned.
@The commenter formerly known as Murray Hewitt: This song works in both threads.
@EddieSuttons SouthernComfort: Here we go. It's not anywhere that easy. It can find short 3-4 phrases and catch you. Plus if it doesn't, teachers can google suspect quotes and the plagiarized work will appear in its original form on their laptops.
Bill Belichick wins the AP 2010 Coach of the Year.
@PolkPanther: You know that it would be untrue, you know that I would be a liar, if I was to say to you, girl we couldn't get much higher
@ursa: You're telling me that older people never had plagarizers?
@MikeRotch: I thought you were younger than me, shouldn't you only know Jack White from The Racounteurs?
This is pretty funny.
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: Depends. What grade(s) do you teach?
@SameSadEcho: Can he not sit up straight or whatthefuck?
@DrJamesAndrews: My accountant tells me Peter Griffin sideboob is exploding right now.
Ooooh, so that's why they kissed before every finals game.
@Phintastic: "Says you."
"The answer to that is yes, I'd like to be able to behave really badly and not have it matter."
@Football_Fetishist: No. Not like that. Losing like that is horrible. Horrible.
@snoop-a-loop: '07 Superbowl.
@BeerbogganingGoldMedalist: Agreed, 1-trillion times over.