Julian Vargas

DUAN 2010 Remembrance

@SavetoFavorites: @Phintastic: How about any movie in which Adam Sandler gets the attractive girl.

@vodkanaut: I see it now. I looks glorious!

@IronMikeGallego: Can we smoke pot in the house? Or is that not chill.

Not to be that guy but, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DUAN?

@gulag: also to show off his sweet ass goatee

I suspect my brother may be gay because he's never said he isn't gay and never demanded that gay people be taken accountability for their actions.. Though he's got a lot of Jeff Bagwell posters in his room.

@Steve U: you've apparently never seen Redmans episode of Cribs.

@gulag: Is that a tiny glass on an IPhone or a huge glass on a table?

@Boothwilkes John: I feel the same way holmes. I'm pretty mad at myself for having a life.

who's got 2 thumbs and hates coming back to DUAN to see that I missed the good stuff, this guy..

@shmendo: By excellent, do you mean deceased?
