It was tough to watch at times, just too close to reality. That said, it is such a well done show and has some surprisingly funny parts.
It was tough to watch at times, just too close to reality. That said, it is such a well done show and has some surprisingly funny parts.
I loved this book and was sooo excited about the series. But I’ve been so horrified by our actual world this past year I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it.
Daisy looks like the blonde sister of my Brady Boy! Who sleeps in the bed. Under the covers. Snuggled up in a ball in the space where I would have carried him in my womb. Much to my lovely and patient boyfriend’s dismay.
where do you live? i’d like to come by and pet daisy.
Aww. Daisy is my cat’s name. She’s a little love bug who like sleeping with me and acting either as a hat or a scarf.
“You cannot CANNOT. REPEAT CANNOT. have sex with a dog in the bed.”
White, male, mediocre and cruel, in a country that seems to laud and highly reward those qualities. No idea where they get their senses of entitlement.
It’s amazing that people who look Giuliani and Trump are confident enough to make fun of the way women look. And Hillary Clinton is far more attractive than they have ever been. Where does that kind of undeserved self esteem come from?
The government claims it’s too discourage crossings. I don’t know that that’s a very good deterrent (which is to say, that’s probably not a very good deterrent)
Just personal preference, I’m partial to this guy:
If only there was a famous literary character whose slavish devotion to the letter of the law and conflation of legality with morality led to an existential ethical crisis, causing him to realize that the only honorable path for himself is suicide and damnation.
But pregnant teens will be denied abortions, because LIFE. IS. SACRED.
It’s with these sort of actions that the racism on the anti-immigration side of the border debate comes into such clear focus. This isn’t about some abstract ideas about how immigration should properly be conducted and regulated. This is about preferring that people of a certain sort die rather than set foot in the…
Meh, it’s not like she’s Tom Brady who refused to shake Eli Manning’s hand before the SB and it’s not like she’s Bill Belichick who stormed off the field without congratulating the Giants for winning the SB. And she certainly wasn’t complicit with l someone trying to take out Oksana’s kneecap beforehand.
Tonya was definitely a victim of sexist double standards long before the attack. She was rough around the edges, and she was downgraded for it as opposed to being ranked on her sport, but NFL players can do drugs, commit domestic abuse, get physically violent, and mouth off publicly and no one cares.
It’s kind of infuriating reading all these articles about Kerrigan remaining silent, as if she somehow owes the public an explanation for being attacked.
Reminds me of Lizzie the pint-sized food co-op cat who lives in the office annex. She’s teeny, and she’s not going to get any bigger, but she’s still bigger than that little guy up there...
Progressive ideas only make sense if you want the overall economy to grow while income inequality shrinks thanks to an educated workforce.
In addition to being racist and all-around offensive as fuck, this is a stupid and useless idea. Boomers are retiring now. We need people in our work force now. Getting pregnant right this very second will do exactly jack shit to help this problem - if we don’t fix it with immigrant labor in the meantime, we’ll be so…
Last time I was sick, my generally awesome husband whined that “this whole place goes to shit when you’re sick”. Uh, yeah. I noticed that, too. I don’t know why you’re the one complaining about it, though.