
Absolutely true. However, I don't fault her for mentioning it, because as I said to someone else, you KNOW someone's going to make that comment.

Once when I was serving in a bar I had a tray with four drinks on it for a booth with two couples. As I approached the table, one of the men cupped my ass. I immediately dumped the full tray in his lap. As I made eye-contact with his wife, I told him how sorry I was - but that when he grabbed my ass I was so

I had the same experience working in a jewelry store for 6 years - usually from men looking for something for their wives or girlfriends. Even when shopping for engagement rings. Nothing seemed to deter them. Saying that I was taken, gay, married... no help. Telling them you are gay [I am] was exponentially worse.

Dicksneeze, hm? Do you think he had... a head cold?

We were in a family-friendly restaurant, around 6:30pm, and I was wearing a loose-fitting, long sleeve shirt, jeans, and no makeup...so I'm not sure where the confusion arose as to what kind of service you were being provided.

Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.

"A Superior Court initially dismissed the sex solicitation charges because he agreed that Rowe meant no harm,"


I guess "long" was the wrong descriptor. Maybe it just feels that way because I have to hear his name all the fucking time.

To those who think maybe it would have been better if she had done nothing: at what point is a woman allowed to assert ownership for her own body?

As I understand it, the best way to combat abortion is to restrict birth control so that dirty sluts won't have sex in the first place, and to avoid talking about sex in school because if they don't hear about it from a teacher, they'll never know about it.

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

Except...they're whining over the opt out. They wouldn't need to pay for it. They're just sad that by opting out, women could still get the care. It's all about control.

I sing back-up on this broken record, on a regular basis. Semantics matter.

In 1991, women who had had sex ed, birth control and abortion available their whole lives were starting to have kids. These children have grown up in a world where birth control is ok and expected, and with less shame about sex (there's still too much idiocy and shame out there, but it's miles better than it used to

Not even anti-choice; forced-birthers. That is the central premise of their existence. They want to force women to give birth. Choice, life, whatevs; this is their sole motive.

Protecting consciences? Can we found a religion that is offended by homelessness, moving manufacturing jobs overseas, racism, unequal pay for equal work, free child care, and free college educations? No? Didn't think so. Separation of church and state!!! Gah!

That is what it seems. Obviously this is BS. EMTALA (the act that forces hospitals to give emergency treatment) does not have religious exemptions. I propose adding some though. I don't think public hospitals should admit guys that had a car accident while driving with a mistress. I don't think public hospitals should

I hate this. I hate that we have to pretend that idiots' unfounded opinions matter in society. I hate that pseudo-science and conflicting religious "morals" are sacrosanct in a "debate" about medical rights and self-determination. I hate that people honestly cannot comprehend that they are making the abortion issue wor

Anti-choice. They are not pro-life. They are anti-choice.