
Gad, thank you for that. Is it too much to ask that writer's use actual words? Also, "Get off my lawn!"

But...but...how do they KNOW? What's to stop a bunch of uppity women from taking communion even while menstruating?

The obvious solution is for all of the women to leave. I'm sure the menz will step in to do all of the work of the church.

Nurse here. Ten bucks says this was more like the final straw.

That "church" ran a Hell House at Halloween. 'Nuff said.

Tylenol is not an NSAID.

Fantastic. Thank you.

Absence of "no" does not equal "yes." I'm astounded I have to point that out.

But is it her *sincerely held* religious belief?

This. So much this. I investigate nursing home complaints for a living, and wouldn't those corporations just LOVE it if I went away and they could "police themselves."

Right? I'm a State employee who investigates nursing home complaints. I'm drowning in work, and we can't fill our open positions because nurses can make a lot more money in the private sector.

Keep silent, or remove all doubt you're an horrible, horrible person? Decisions, decisions...

I hear you. The tragedies in Ferguson are heartbreaking and enraging and I'm having to limit my exposure because it makes me angry with everything...

OR...it could be just, you know, humor.

If tomorrow, health care were to be suddenly decoupled from employment, businesses would cheer about the additional $100 (in your example) in profits they could keep, and about the positions (managing healthcare) that they could eliminate, and employees would be expected to come up with the additional $100 out of

"Businesses would give their employees a raise."

For the win!

A French-speaking bunny! You ARE lucky! ;-)

The power of Voodoo!

And the owner had this to say about the chewed-up air conditioner wires: