
Ha! Brilliant.

"Chest pain" - usually the magic words. Perhaps the son should have called 9-1-1 from the waiting room (it happens!) Sounds like a scary bad hospital.



Sure, but how do you define coercion, and to whom does it apply? I spent a lot of time and effort convincing my daughter that a pregnancy at 16 was not in her best interest.

If we don't believe that we can do it better than our parents, what's the point?

That is so wrong. As a health care professional, I am utterly dismayed.

Eep. Yet another thing for me to feel guilty about. I like my daughter, enjoy her company, and worked hard to let her know that she can talk to me about anything. No doubt I have ruined her for life.

Ah, yes...the sleep feed. I co-slept with all my babies. They start to squirm in the middle of the night? Slip 'em the boob, Mommie goes back to sleep, everybody is happy.

I want to know what she had on these eight guys that got them to do this!

There's a fine line in treating dying patients for pain, and it goes something like this: if you are giving the medication with the *intention* of relieving pain, even though it *may* hasten death...it's okay. Giving medication with the intention of hastening death will get you fried. That said, there are a great many

"What I want now is gentleness, and joy, and love. .. From you Data, you are fully functional, aren't you ?"

The number of American nuns are falling dramatically? Gosh, I can't imagine why.

I completely lost control of the waterworks when my oldest child was born, and never got it back. She's eighteen now. I thought it was just me.

I wonder how this survey defines morality? I, for instance, consider myself to be a moral person. I try hard to do unto others, and own my own shit. But some people might consider my staunch support of marriage equality and my lack of interest in what consenting adults are doing in their bedrooms to be highly immoral.

*snicker* Thank you. *thinks she might have a scrunchie around here somewhere...probably has beads and sparkles on it. Oh, now I've gone and given myself a mental picture!*

Scrunchies? Care to elaborate?

I'm a registered nurse, and have had four children, all delivered vaginally. (No, I can't laugh without peeing, and yes, I am looking for my uterus to fall out sometime in the near future.)