
Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.

Sentence. Fragments. Are all the. Rage among 35. Year-old. Women.

“What Joss. Did. The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again.”

That is really too much hate to have for some person you arent emotionally invested in. So they have a lot of money. BFD. In ten years they will have aged out of big money on competitive gaming, will have blown their cash on cars and stupid shit like that and unless they have someone guiding them to invest, will have

Money turns everyone into assholes. 100% of the time. Add being young, dumb, and full of cum into that...

Oh I 100% believe they can’t actually afford to live in that house. Give them a year or two and the bank will be owning all of that shit.

Overall, the decor wasn’t really the problem here. It’s just okay, nothing to overly brag about, but there’s just too many comments here that sounds more salty than they should receive on that point.

It’s not going to burn down, but they’re all definitely going to be broke and living with their parents again in a year.

If this sugar and plastic pile burns down it’ll probably caramelize.

Hey guys!  Check out our sick crib.  Also, can you please buy this merch to pay for our mortgage?  And here’s our wine cellar!  Brands - please send us wine so we don’t have to buy any!

Fuck these people - and almost all others - for living their lives online. Yes, it generates an income, but so does a lot of other stuff that people shouldn’t do. You sit down to a video and say it’s the hardest... video you’ve ever had to make publicly? Then thanking your viewers... and their nice comments. Maybe

These assholes are assholes and will probably always remain assholes as long as they have subscribers. But maybe not? The world right now is way too fucking dark to live in and my comment is probably more about me trying to find one goddamn sliver of anything good than about those YT douches.

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.