
@bunfoo: u CAN take pics, BUT i think it's more about the videochat than taking pics

i can't wait to put Honeycomb on this

@JJV5819: yea everyone makes mistakes. like using quotation marks instead of apostrophes... glass house

@OGHowie: agreed. same thing on the iPhone for me.

this is so tiring. was he expected to fix all the nations issues at the same time within a year? 2 years? 8 years? Everybody is upset because promises were made and not all of them can be held up right now. We have an economy to fix first.

@Zaos: how can u know if u've never actually seen it

come on people, it takes a lot more than just his signature to do any real damage. I'm sure his signature is safeguarded better than most.

if they haven't changed it by iOS5 then..u know...keep complaining


when did he say it was revolutionary again?

I love these posts. More intellectual inquisition!

@Gann: well said

Why don't you people stop crying about the censoring process?? Apple gets rich and your blog isn't stopping that. The only thing Apple will understand is money, or the loss thereof. Tell the developers to stop submitting apps. I mean really, all that's happening is Apple makes millions, we complain, and then they make