Jules Vega

I have been saying this since I first saw Grease 2. As a early teen, Stephanie's desire to define herself outside of a romantic relationship was a great message, plust Michelle Pfeiffer was just all that. I push my sleeves up to this day because of Grease 2(a terrible habit, I know). I can barely remember anything

could not agree more on Sleepless in Seattle, How to Lose a Guy and Knocked Up. I actually hate Sleepless and Meg's character for basically shitting all over her fiance, a guy she seemed perfectly content and compatible with until she heard Tom Hanks on the radio. As far as Knocked Up, I legit thought Paul Rudd and

"It's the perfect dish for anyone who believes salads would be
drastically better if you got rid of literally all vegetables and
replaced them with a kitchen-sink collection of mass-produced sugar
bombs." Oh, so that's why I love Ambrosia salad so much!

I'm going with 2 things for season 2.
1. Amanita is a sensate-based on her mother's comments about the time she was lost and she tracked her down. IIRC what she described was the same thing was it Jonas or Irysa described about sensates.

yes, thank the lord for good acting/smart casting choices in this show, they kept me invested in characters that took a while to grow on me.

Well, not to mention Nita was present for all that shit going down at the hospital. Legit neurologists don't strap you down and force brain surgery on you, nor do they send agents to track you down or ransack your apartment.

"She's like Chris Kyle's line from American Sniper, "When I meet my maker, I can answer for all my kills". Um, which is pretty much what Jihadist believe. As a matter of fact, some of the most horrifying acts ever committed were by people who thought they were doing the right thing.

True but it's not a show you can just jump into so I doubt it's picking up new audience and it's definitely lost some of the old with each additional mutation away from what it seemed to be originally. Hopefully Netflix will bring a new audience of people that watch it from the beginning.

Unless that person had the proper credentials which Samaritan could easily manufacture. Hell, Samaritan could have just set up an appointment. Personally I'm hoping it's supposed to deliberately jar in the sense that we're supposed to see that Samaritan doesn't really understand humans and honestly doesn't get why a

I agree, I'm sorry but evil kid or no, it's still a kid and to see a kid subtly threatening the Secretary of State and demanding to see the President feels like a Twilight Zone episode or The Omen or something. It doesn't feel menacing, it feels ridiculous.

Well, technically, they're paying for the privilege of using the actor as much or as little as they need, story wise. There is, or used to be a limit to how many episodes you could use an actor without making them a regular…used to be 13 I think, which ties the hands of the writers/show runners. If a character becomes

The thing is, Shaw has always been 'pretty'. Obviously Sara Shahi is gorgeous but what I mean is, from the very first ep when Shaw was the POI and she dressed in that sexy little black # to meet Control, it's been shown over and over again that she's 'girly' when it comes to dressing up. She loves shoes, loves sexy

saw this theory on another board as well, went back and watched the vid and it added a whole grade point to my scoring of this ep. The only thing that could have made that more awesome was if they'd actually plucked one of the background actors from that class to be Dominic.

well, it being CBS doesn't help, though to be fair, on procedurals almost nobody hooks up in a clear and definitive way. Shoot is getting the same treatment as most of those relationships, compare it to Tiva(which went on for something like 6 years)