
Dude, you really need to befriend your grocery store employees. The advantages of solid relationships are huge, especially at the butcher and deli counters. I learned that early on when I saw my grandmother getting veal wrapped up and marked as chicken livers. It's also great at the checkout line when something

It's now the Anarchist's Lifehacker Cookbook.

Site staff and starred community members play an active role in reviewing and approving commentary. Starred commenters can see posts from users who have yet to be approved for comment privileges. The posts these users make are considered "auditions." We can then approve the user and the post at the same time.

If the ticket is fake, then they wouldn't have busted you yet. Actually, forging a ticket could be an even bigger fine/punishment depending on the municipality. I recall a case in Philly where the defendant was charged with falsification of business records, which can come with a four-year prison sentence. Faking a

Putting white eyes in the picture doesn't make the promotion of perjury and evidence tampering any less disappointing to anyone who normally thinks of LH to be reputable source of information.

I love how this article is littered with unapproved comments asking why LH is promoting illegal activities.

But what will we ever do without a ton of posts about FarmVille?

I haven't had problems with FF's memory since 3.6. Prior to that, Flash was the big culprit with all my memory issues. For me, it could be different for others, FF 5.0 (and 4.0) uses no more memory than Chrome. But I don't use many extensions. It would be nice if FF had a task manager that showed the resources

I don't think this is what Windows 8 is going to look like at all... but you make a very good point.

Now that actually looks good! Zetro UI doesn't look comforting to the eye at all.

TINLA/IANYL - (1) If it's an at-will employment situation, and absent any specific policies to the contrary, an employer in the US would not have to pay for the 2-weeks. The employer is only obligated to pay for the time worked. The only time I a termination at notice occur is when the company enjoys being a jerk or

2-weeks is good for front-line employment and non-managing supervisors. Anyone in a management position (not just a supervisory gig) should really give a month unless there's a good succession plan in place. Well, that is unless your company is just full of assholes who don't treat their employees well.

This reads like a blueprint for anyone with management duties. Solid advice.

TINLA/IANYL: An employer is only legally obligated to pay vacation time if the vacation time is accrued or earned, such as what one might find in a PTO bank system. Generally if vacation time is granted and not earned, there is no requirement to pay it out. However, that could change depending on how the company

I've never had salt save an iPod. My wife kills gadgets and she's flooded two iPods and rice didn't do a thing to save them from water. I've only seen rice *work* on devices where the water didn't breach enough of the device to cause a major issue that any dry, low-humidity environment couldn't solve. The main

Ok, I'll give you that... in that kind of humidity, the rice is going to probably do something.

Rice does not absorb ambient humidity faster than salt. The rice acts to break up the salt as you shake it and it helps keep the salt from clumping into an even larger mass.

Agreed. I can point to a number of non-chain restaurants in my city that use high-quality ingredients (I've seen the kitchens in action). Yes, some do use low-cost and low-quality products, and chains somehow get by scraping the bottom, but not every restaurant uses junk.

I've been stuck on Outlook for so long at work that I never even realized Postbox exists. I just installed it with a few addons and I like it a lot. It could be a solid Outlook replacement given the addons. I think it's better than the stock Thunderbird.

Then we disagree. On my side, I work with a lot of devs at a software publisher and we see it differently.