
@artemisjaeger: You'll want to read about pickling. It would be nice to read that too, but it's not the same as a brining technique. They seem similar, but they are treated separately because of the chemical interactions that occur differently in a brining technique versus a pickling technique.

@allesklar: Given that it's Thomas Keller, yes, I'm sure he makes those things. He's focusing on the brining technique (note, that's not the same as pickling or marinating techniques). Brining is limited to meat. Go brine some pasta, bread, a batch of stiry fry, white sauce, or rice and see how that works for you.

A well maintained record doesn't have those pops, clicks, and hisses—most vinyl lovers wouldn't want to add that to their recordings. Old records provided "warmth", a statement that you'll hear repeated by anyone who loves vinyl. Most of that warmth comes from the shortened frequency span compared to digital

That's a different class of disclaimer. The material is marked as being potentially privileged, which would be important if an opposing party sought to obtain the email contents during the discovery process, or if the opposing party happened on the material by accident. By marking the email, the opposing party is

I was just going to mention this one. I used Z4 on my friends Droid 2 and it works flawlessly. It's no better than SuperOneClick, IMO. But it made it nice and easy to root the phone while we were away from a computer.

I don't' have an EVO, but with my Droid, I can still get OTA updates while on Root. However, root is usually lost after you receive the update. Generally, root users don't take the OTA updates until the scene can provide a method for obtaining root after the updates are out. If you apply a custom rom after you

Ok, that's creepy.

We have 3 computers in my home. My wife and I each have a laptop and we share a server.

No kidding, this thing is awesome! I wish it was available for Outlook so I could use this thing at work.

I have to say that I like this service. I, like many people here, didn't see much of a point. After reading through the TOS and Privacy Policy, I decided to give it a go. Having all my bills in PDF format in one location, through a wonderful interface, for free, is pretty nice. It only had about 50% of my payees,

IANYL/TINLA - They have a pretty solid TOS and privacy policy. And yes, it's PCI compliant.

You must have hit a bug somewhere to get to that link. I saw this on the 23rd and I signed up the same day: [app.manilla.com]

I wish I would have noticed this earlier. Man, was that waste.

I've never tried them, but I've seen coax to cat5 converters that allow for speedy connections. That could be another option. I might actually investigate these since I've determined that pulling ethernet cables through to a couple wall outlets in my house is going to be near impossible due to some building factors.

I'm pretty sure this is just a modern LA version of the old pay to play record companies. Give 'em a bunch of money and they will give you a record deal with everything you need to be famous, except actual talent.

That is hilarious. My Asterisk setup is pretty much a phone spambox these days. I need to install this one.

How recent was your home purchase? Chances are, a Realtor posted the pictures at some point when he or she setup the home listing.

I did... thanks!

@thenail: My OG Droid works great. I never have issues with it and YouTube works fine. I'm not sure what you're talking about. I also own an iPhone (my wife uses it). Between the two, the iPhone is polished and ready for anyone, but the notification system sucks and the multi tasking is weak. Android is a little