
@budder: Who brainwashed you? I'm looking for a good person to help me start a new cult.

@Red_Eye: I think you mean that governments should to require conspicuous notification of computer resource use with stiff penalties. The resource use is authorized the moment one agrees to the EULA.

Yawn. Everyone knows the best secret hiding place is the lower intestine.

@Denver80203: That's good/practical advice. Thanks. I wonder if shopping at local establishments who grow their own plants would also help. I'm near a shop that sits right on the greenhouses and fields where they plant and grow their own products. I assume these would mesh well with determining what blooms late.

I took four years of a phys-ed class called "weight lifting" while I was an undergrad. It was for a grade, so I had to show up if I didn't want a phys-ed class messing up my GPA. It was a good motivator.

I recall some folks were worried about GmailBackup ala the G-Archiver story at [www.codinghorror.com] . I've played guenna pig for the past year using the CLI version on my Linux server with out a problem and with nothing to indicate the GmaailBackup folks were grabbing passwords. I know that's not going to convert

@jonny6pak: Ok, I give. What do I have to do in order to get paragraphs to work? :)

Wait, did I read that right? i4i advertises that users can "Create and edit XML content in Microsoft Word," which helps clients work with XML. So i4i is suing MS for money and an injunction to stop selling Word, which i4i needs in order for the their marketing strategy to succeed. I understand that the end result

@warped2049: I sort of agree. I think the state of current software patents are a plague since they seem to usually not meet the novelty requirements of a patent. I would rather see them clearly limited to true inventions. Then again, I don't create software so I'm not sure if it's possible to invent something new.

@futureb: I appreciate the correction, but not the yelling of "WRONG" since it's a little childish. Especially given that subject matter jurisdiction is an umbrella term used to distinguish jurisdiction of the subject over personal jurisdiction. Someone trying to research subject matter jurisdiction might be

@nemo: The Texas court was a US federal court, not a state court, and diversity jurisdiction existed between the two entities. Since diversity jurisdiction applies, and Texas is notorious for being friendly to patent holders, the Canadian company was wise to go that route as a strategic move. Wikipedia's page

Unfortunately, this makes the bookmarks toolbar very hard to read. I don't see this being very valuable.

@ADiSH: You must be running an extension that has a memory leak. I can't get Firefox to eat over 120 megs with good effort.

@waffles: Good point. It kills me how I see places going so far as to sell beds and desks for dorm rooms. I have yet to hear of a dorm that didn't offer a bed or a desk. Most at this point at least have communal refrigerators and microwaves.

@paintbox: What entertains me is that this site still, well most of the web really, has less grammar errors than my local newspaper.

@Gergely Kosztolányi: That's a good point, adoption of OpenOffice might increase if the developers continute to add features that makes the switch easier for Office 2007 users. And if they let the user decide on which interface to use, existing users might not walk away. Personally, I have become fond of the ribbon

I love the ribbon. I can see where some would want the ability to utilize the old menu system so that they do not have a learning curve interrupting their usual productive levels. With that being said, the prototype seems to suggest the old menu system is still available.

Personally, I think talking pictures are going to ruin Hollywood.