
@goodywitch: That's the rumor, but it really depends on whether your palate is developed enough to notice. Honestly, I tell most people to just drink the wine in whatever way makes them happy. I make wine and I don't care if it's served in fancy crystal or a mason jar so long as the drinker enjoys the wine.

@Narsil: There's a Hulu video plugin for XBMC. You need to install post-Atlantis build for it to work. It's not as good as what was in Boxee, but it sort-of does the trick. I'm not sure if the Plex plugin is any better.

I own that exact shredder and it's amazing. It's far better than any other shredder I've worn out in the past.

Congrats! I'm happy to see more people notice your hard work.

Is there something like this for status updates on Facebook? I searched Google, but it returned a lot of twitter bookmarklets.

@JRod37: Sweetest Day is a Hallmark Holiday. Valentine's day is actually St. Valentine's day and is named after two Christian martyrs. It's popularity increased during the age of courtship. It's revival in the 1800's can certainly be seen as a means to sell product, but the overall concept of the holiday does have

My wife and I are going out to dinner with my parents. They didn't get laid off and have much more money than I... so I'll mooch of them like I did in my youth :)

IANYL/TINLA: Home sales and home values suck right now. If selling a personal residence will result in a nondeductible loss, then consider converting the residence to rental property since any loss realized while the home is a personal residence is not deductible. While tax savings opportunities are generally

@schdav: Good one, tip 2 is a solid point.

Cheese is stored in my belly, and only my belly. Butter is not necessary.

@RhodaGesh: But your method activates the window. This does not. It allows scrolling without activating the window, which is important if you don't' want to bring a certain window to the front.

@goodywitch: I would guess that it depends on the type of merchandise involved, whether a court appointed a receiver to manage the liquidation, and whether the store would receive greater cash value through a return versus a sale.

Wouldn't one just wind up cooking the herbs using the microwave method? I either freeze or air dry my herbs depending on the type of herb I need to store. I especially like Alton Brown's method of placing the herbs between two furnace filters and then strapping it all to a box fan. It speeds up the process

@Akevitt: I'll be amazed if that ever happens.

@brecke: I'm with you. I might just build a Hackintosh Mini if I don't see an update.

@sn1per420: I envy your easy access to good pizza. There are some really good Pizza's in the Midwest, which the Internet has helped me find. However, there are some really bad pizzas as well. At this point, making it myself was the only true solution. I should credit Jeff Varasano [www.varasanos.com] for getting

@Sam Riegel: I used to do that until I experienced the ecstasy that is NY style pizza. We don't have NY style in the Midwest and I've started making my own dough. Though, the pizza shop dough I used to buy was always inexpensive and good quality. It's certainly a great time-saver.

I'm not a fan of using all-purpose flour. Bread flour is the way to go. Better yet, use high-gluten flour. Fante's in Philadelphia has a great high-gluten flour made by Dominick DeAngelis. His pizza cookbook is worth a read as well. [www.fantes.com] If you don't feel like buying his book or his flour, you can

@joleta: When I saw that, I said, "Woah!" But then I thought about the cost of cooking classes (for the non culinary student) and $200 doesn't seem too bad. Though, that doesn't make it any more affordable right now, just more of a bargain when compared to formal instruction. I'll probably still stick with free