
You can move the home button to wherever you like by opening up the customize dialog and dragging the home button. Granted, you still have the text "home" included with the button but it is movable.

I've been away and am late to this party... For linux, I use Moblock and the Mobloquer GUI interface. The GUI is starting to get quite strong, but I still prefer just running this from the command line. It works well and the newer versions are compatible with firewall apps now. I love it.

My laptop has smoother undock operations, but I see nothing else noticeable. But I've been keeping my laptop up-to-date and am not sure if SP1 had much left to update.

@BugMeNot: Wow, [www.sxipper.com] is nice. I was using the Secure Login and Autofill Forms extensions for Firefox but I think I have to switch. I liked Roboform in the past, but I couldn't install it to my employer provided laptop. Sxipper might be a good alternative. Thanks for the tip.

My salary is below the standard, but I get a lot of flexibility so I guess it evens out. I would like to make more money given the cost of my commute is growing with the gas prices.

I recommend making an outline of your classes throughout the semester/quarter so you have a condensed version of all the relevant info in an easy to read format. It makes cramming and general studying easier.

By the way, I'm not saying making your own pizza is any better for you than buying it from Pizza Hut. But, you get a much better tasting meal.

I started making my own pizza last year and it's been great! If you really want to go the DIY route, make your own mozzarella as well—it's not hard and pretty fun. [www.cheesemaking.com] If you have a local dairy or cheese maker, skip the milk steps and just buy the mozzarella curd as it's usually less expensive.

@Kaffinator: I agree, but I think this would match the decor in my garage. I might try this.

I have all my bills on auto-pay and don't have to do a thing but keep money in the bank and read my statements to ensure everything is correct. The bill gets paid out of my checking account with zero work on my part. Everything syncs into Quicken so I can keep track of things. It's great and I've been doing this for

I just tell the server beforehand to issue separate checks. If the group is big enough to where the restaurant automatically adds gratuity, they can do that across the separate checks as well. If it happens to be a place where separate checks are not available, the situation usually results in everyone paying for

I think the Mac port is great, but everyone should realize that it's based on the official XBMC Linux port. You can compile the source from the official SVN to run in Ubuntu and it works pretty well. The XBMC Linux team has a goal to build an actual XBMC Linux distro. I'm not associated with XBMC, but I know they

@discounteggroll: Watch out, some schools/professors strictly disallow the recording of lectures without permission since it's a copyrightable item that could be sold to publishers as home-study instruction material. Make sure you're not breaking any rules that could lead to disciplinary action... or at least make

@flloyd: Everything is safe up to the oven. That's a huge fire hazard and the stove is venting the combustion vapors right into your living space. This includes carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and a bunch of other pollutants. The CDC actually warns that you will be poisoning yourself by using the

@Nepkarel: Wait, I should have thought about what I was saying...this is Lifehacker, not a chef skill's blog. In thinking about efficiency and saving time, Ruhlman is not helpful. One would almost do better to redraft a complex recipe into an assembly line concept. Ruhlman notes that no recipe does this, but I

@Nepkarel: Yeah, but I think it's perfect advise for someone wishing to try out new recipes involving styles of which one has never cooked. I certainly wouldn't bother with his advice if I were to cook a Rachel Ray recipe or when getting dinner done for the family, but when I want to experiment I'm not working to

I'm glad it suggests to get rid of the objective. I'm so sick of reading objectives when I get resume submissions.

I really hope Google adds Google Notebook to Google Apps for Your Domain.

@Jongleur: I live in the U.S. and think of mincemeat pie when someone speaks of "Minced Meat." My family makes this pie every Christmas—it contains meat, dried fruit, and spices. Wikipedia seems to agree with my take on this although their explanation includes distilled spirits.

I hate the kill them with kindness approach. The managers in my company who use such a method are generally mocked and disliked by their employees. I'm usually very upfront about everything. If one of my employees is working hard, but their work product is just bad, it usually means they are just heading down the