
Your friend sucks.

I can’t speak for others, but in my heart I truly think most people in the world are good. If monsters were ‘normal’, none of us would leave the house.

At least 40 “she”s.

So, to be clear, you’re not “withholding judgment” then?

I am relieved that he was found guilty, but I am, as always, completely against the death penalty.

I’d swear my oldest has some strain of kiddie dementia, drives me nuts! Like a goldfish she is, a goldfish!

I think I’m up to thirteen thousand for “cut out the toilet-talk” this year alone. Christ almighty, do these little shits ever give up the poop jokes?

“ Put on a show while I go fill your mom with dick nectar”

If you guys can’t stop bickering I WILL TURN THIS INTERNET RIGHT AROUND

Maybe dual casting like they did with that Bob Dylan movie. Or the Brian Wilson one that was just released.

I can see it...

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

I think it says “we are friends” - but it SHOULD say “I’m a rapist shitbag”. It’s kind of like when people get Chinese tattoos and they think they say “Strength” or “Happiness” but they REALLY say “Idiot” or “Kung Pao Chicken”.

I assume this says, “I am a rapist shitbag”

Oh for fuck’s sake already with that “best actress for the part” bullshit. Fuck off, source working on the Peter Pan remake.

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Held together really well until my Dad gave me the St Christopher he was given by his Grandmother when he joined the Royal Navy. Said it kept him safe long enough to see me get married, and now it was going to keep me safe. Did so well until then! After that, it was open season for tears!