
Goddamnit! Kanye now has two redeeming qualities. That is one adorable bebehh. I want to do zzrrrbbttts on his fat lil’ tummy.

A California state health board voted down a measure Thursday that could have required adult film performers to wear condoms, face masks, dental dams, rubber gloves, and goggles.

I never watched the show, but can somebody tell me why everyone is upset over “Big Ang’s” passing? While she may not have been directly involved in organized crime, she certainly seemed to enjoy the benefits of the violence and misery inflicted upon others.

He had some pretty solid performances thru 1999. After that......not so much.



Phew. I was worried that I wouldn’t have any more access to pornography.

As someone who’s also Jewish, I thought this was a solid joke, but thanks for your concern trolling anyway.

When I say that I'll hold my nose and pull the lever for Hillary, this is something I will cite as why. I like The Bern; the opposition is too fucking batshit crazy and evil to fuck around with outliers.

Queens of the Stone Age (feat. Dave Grohl) don’t know either!


The Senator during his down time...

That was beautiful, but I think it’d look more like this.

Nice to see that the \m/ metal symbol is universal

With Ben Carson wanting to hit his mother on head with a hammer, stabb a friend and Pyramids built for grain storage - don’t people get it?

TL;dr version of this? “ Dear Networks: Can you make the debates like a reality show? Except, you know, much more scripted and fake.

I thought we needed an arsenal of weapons as private citizens to protect us from the tyranny of the government/police/military should they (as in the fat jagoff pictured above) decide to take over?

Maple Mustard pork tenderloin with sauteed apples and onions, roasted carrots and yukon mashed potatoes. Did a pesto chicken with roma tomatoes the next night. Both came out great.