Jujy is the next Flying Squid

Can we stop insulting Gay people by implying that ignorant ass backwards rednecks are closeted?

Please, report back with full review of Duetto. We are intrigued.

I think if you actually read the article, you would see that he has ruled against lesbians as well, so while you might be jesting, it’s bad cause it’s more uninformed than most seem to be implying he is.

no he’s not. I’m really sick of the homophobic notion that all anti-gay people are closeted. It takes the onus off of straight people’s bigotry and makes it so its all the queer people’s fault. Own it. This guy is straight, just like you, and like you, he’s an asshole.

nah...America and all that.

in a somewhat related note, the Taco Bell near me has become amazing.