
Those commercials always seem misleading. They make me feel like if I take Viagra I'll know how to sail and make fires on the beach or own a cool old truck and a fancy office. I would take it for those things

I always wondered why they're in separate bath tubs... aren't they trying to have sex?

TMI warning but hilarity... My dad took a viagra some years ago, I was supposed to be working until 3am at a bar and my sister was at sleep over. My dad has low blood pressure so when he took it he had temporary blindness. I came home from work early to both my parents freaking out and my dad yelling "I'm blind!" so

Couchtuner saves my sanity and money

I loove Freja, it's so pretty. The Mr. and I have a little list for our hypothetical babies too. Our 2 for sure names are Isabel Teresa for a girl (my sister and grandmother's names) and Aleksander Richard (we both like it spelled the russian way and Richard is his dad's name) our other names are: Antoinette, Maximus,

the Mr. wants so name one of our hypothetical sons Maximus and he will be a badass, too badass to side eye

I woke up to pee and I thought I was having sleep paralysis which I keep reading about, but it was just my 25lb cat sleeping on my chest

Do it, I ended up not going to my #1 school but I got a full ride to a school that has a good international law program which is really what I care about. There are also tons of scholarships, it's a lot of hard work but if you really want to do it, there's a way.

My kitty would eat the ghost first bc he is demon spawn and not afraid of anything but vacuums. I guess if it's a vacuum ghost I'm SOL

not even close I know, but my fiance proposed the day after I came home drunk and he held my hair while I puked and cleaned up the bathroom for me. that's what love is

close but no cigar :(

Every post you've written in this conversation applies to my family, if you have anxiety issues from your parents or have a mother who constantly bothers you ab your weight then we are the same person

Every post you've written in this conversation applies to my family, if you have anxiety issues from your parents or have a mother who constantly bothers you ab your weight then we are the same person

My mom said the same thing, there are only 2 of us but we're 12 years apart. She said she was too old to be that strict

are you me bc this sounds like my family

Our first year in the US my parents took me to a Hell house put on by a church near our house. They thought it would be a kid friendly haunted house and that it would be something fun for our 1st American Halloween... it was not and awkward conversations with a 7 yr old ensued

Me too! I used to straighten but ain't nobody got time for that. I'm Diana Ross-ing my hair out

My cat tries to rescue me during sex so he bites the Mr's toes and yells at him

mine too, sometimes my piercing likes to hide in there

there is chafing cream that isn't very expensive for runners, I use it and it is amazing