
Dave’s special isn’t hate speech. I know you almost certainly understand that. Maybe you think people having a different opinion to you is hateful, but it isn’t.

Those were both cases where the governments in question were threatening to ban the services in question if they didn’t take down content, it was literally a choice between A. Take down one piece of content or B. take down every piece of content including that one piece just to make a “point” that everyone would

Well, I actually watched the special. Here’s its list of sins, in my book:

Well you’ve made your point- I’m apparently not a welcome ally.

I empathize with your point, however it is keeping people from having these very necessary discussions. You have been very easy to talk to, but BuriedAliveOpener is jumping on things that aren’t going to help anyone. I’m not okay with an exposed penis in an area that is supposed to be penis-free. There *has* to be

This doesn’t happen, like really at all, and so I don’t think a policy change is needed. It’s disgusting to write, but twisted fucks will always exist (mental health issues exacerbated by a lack of mental health care, childhood abuse exacerbated by poverty and lack of healthcare, etc.)

Well Twitter and Facebook accounts from local/state/national drag and trans individuals, the polite etiquette is to not expose male genitals in women’s areas. Darren, according to etiquette, should have kept her bottoms on.

She has indecency charges from before she legally changed her gender, and the prosecutor has brought the indecency charges in the Wi Spa case because the claim to be trans (to then gain access to “women’s” only rooms) may not be honest.

From LA Mag: Darren Agee Merager has indecency charges going back to 2003, and this point seems very suspect in light of their being upfront about being nude in the room and going into the water, and still having their penis.

In track, that wouldn’t work.

I have had many white people tell me that the feel black on the inside, they identify with black people, and they identify with blackness. They are troubled or angered by the fact that they aren’t accepted as black, can’t say “nigga,” can’t adopt a blaccent without being mocked, or aren’t welcomed into predominantly

What’s different about being reminded of your attack by seeing a body part and being reminded of it by smelling a smell you associate with that memory, or feeling a sensation? I’m not “denigrating” anyone. Seriously, there are any number of things that could be legitimately upsetting—re-traumatizing, even—to a

I’m sorry, what is malicious that I’ve said?

Ok, how about a black person who desires space apart from white people who insist they’re really black on the inside?

Gender is not a spectrum, or a binary, or a feeling everyone has inside their brains. Gender is a violent hierarchy.

Well you’re right about one thing - it is very hard to believe that anyone believe in that kind of nonsense, because no one fucking does. No feminist of any stripe believes that male violence is a product of male biology. That’s an absolutely ridiculous assertion. Male violence is a product of male socialization.

Must we denigrate the feelings survivors of sexual trauma have by comparing it to the smell of beer on someone’s breath or by people standing close to them? I know that people can be triggered by those things, but it seems like you’re mocking it or trivializing their experiences, or the experiences of others, to make

As far as I can tell the logic is pretty simple. Gender is a social construct designed to oppress women and benefit men.

I have my own perspective on this being a transwoman myself; I have no problem with ciswomen having their own get togethers for natural born biological female women, that were groomed to live the female role at the start of birth; I was groomed to be a boy causing me unique issues that natural born women don’ have to

Lies. Damned lies.