
I am so verklempt!

I disagree. Some people really love to be contrary, but even J-Law's haters secretly love her. It's science.


Must be that I coveted Miley's brows so hard, they fell off her face and are inchworming their way to my house right now!


One of the multitude of reasons to take your birth control pills religiously.

Previously from that class:

I'm guessing the magic is called a weave. :)

What's wrong with this? I'm surprised Jezebel is coming down on this. I don't smoke pot but there is absolutely nothing wrong with people who do - it hurts no one it's the most harmless drug there is. It absolutely should be legal. Props to Miley for giving it media attention.

THIS. Because regardless of whether you like her songs or not, I've seen her in concert and she doesn't lip-synch. And she doesn't need to. Her voice is incredible and she actually sings because she has musical talent. It's refreshing.

Sit down, everyone else. The Queen of the North is talking.

I'm going to start a change.org petition calling for change.org to stop allowing stupid petitions.

My nephew as the world's blondest, cutest Superman.

I made myself a Jem and the Holograms costume this year :) Wearing it to an 80s dance party Saturday, too!

oh, hush. She's taking a snap of herself (looking awesome!!) in a halloween costume. Lets not read too much into this ok?

Ummm she never said it would be ok if her niece was fat, she's just pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. Her niece is tall and thin and even she gets flack. In her first parragraph she clearly says it is not right to shame kids and make them feel more insecure.
I really don't see where you're getting that she

If you want your message to last forever say it in brake fluid.