
Ummm she never said it would be ok if her niece was fat, she's just pointing out the ridiculousness of it all. Her niece is tall and thin and even she gets flack. In her first parragraph she clearly says it is not right to shame kids and make them feel more insecure.
I really don't see where you're getting that she

sometimes it takes a child to raise a village.

If you want your message to last forever say it in brake fluid.

Psst, hey fat kids: you didn't hear it from me, but I hear shaving cream sprayed on car paint can really leave a permanent message, if you know what I mean. Also, did you know your local butcher will sell you all sorts of delightful organ meats in bulk? Maybe you have a local neighbor you'd like to share this fun

Please tell me his middle name is Time.

I know triples named Rage, Chaos, and Mayhem. Pretty sure that trumps Hammer. Find me triplets named Hammer, Nails, and Drill and I might be willing to concede defeat.

Can someone help me out here?

My first thought on seeing that picture was "Ohhhh, please let Philip's handlers steer him discreetly away before he says something outrageously classist/horrible."

I'll just leave this here.

But Obamacare hardworking Joe Plumber energy dollars main street embolden! Wingdingdingtingwingpingwingding!

Totally wasted on wolf's blood and ground up scraps of the Constitution.

I am in tears from the effort to squint just tight enough to comfort myself but not tight enough that I could not see.

After I saw Gravity, I never thought I would feel such tension and teary relief as I did at 6:00.

Y'all. He is my best friend's neighbor. She sees him on the bus, and he's either wearing this shirt or a pirate shirt and a medallion.

I wore a choker like that to my Junior Prom in 2000!

When I first read Island of the Blue Dolphins as a kid I remember being like, "SHUT IT DOWN. Literature is done. Someone wrote the best book ever."

I can't wait for the DListed post on this. Just gonna keep hitting refresh until Michael K finishes what's sure to be his magnum opus.

I'm a black member of Phi Sigma Sigma. Our house was a lot like yours and can I add, I've never met a DZ I didn't like. Seriously sweet girls in that house.