I think the Olympic Village would be a fucking stellar reality show.
I think the Olympic Village would be a fucking stellar reality show.
Ahhh thank you for renewing my interested in the series. I went in a binge with book 1 and 2, and have slowed down after about 150 pages into book 3 (think I needed to cleanse the palate a bit). I really need to get back into book 3 stat.
Pretty sure the notion of "having it all" is a relative term. I'm 27, I have a 3 year old, I'm a single mom, I have a graduate degree, and I have a job I love. I have all I really want right now, (except for massive student loan debt, but hey, it's 2012), even though society probably will argue that since I'm not…
I've not read 50 Shades of Grey, but when reading about it or discussing it in conversation, I always imagined Christian Grey looking something like Professor Snape. Not sure what that says about me as a person.
I fucking love PSH. This makes me really excited for CF. I thought THG was lacking content, but everything else was great (especially the casting). I am pleased to see they are pulling out all the stops for CF and have hired a kick-ass screenplay writer for this one.
I LOVE Prime, but I also order a lot on Amazon, and the free 2 day shipping has spoiled me. I have a Kindle Fire as well, and use the lending library and also do the instant video... I also stream that on my TV via my Xbox. I think the Instant selection is a lot more current than Netflix is but it's nothing special.
I lived in Arizona for one year (last year). My allergies were terrible there and the dry air combined with the high altitude (south of Tucson, where I lived) made my nose crack and bleed nearly every day. It was miserable. In February, just as I was about to move out of AZ, my nose began to hurt and swell. From a…
I, for one, will no longer be watching the Today Show when I get ready for work and have my coffee in the mornings. I'll switch over to Morning Joe or Good Morning America. Team Curry all the way. Matt Lauer is such a chump.
I'm glad you said that. They strike me as so down to earth and continually amaze me because they seem to have such good heads on their shoulders, despite their age and despite their family situation.
Mia is nothing at all like the Johanna I imagined. I was thinking something more like Naya Rivera.
I read this as I am now working from home to crank out the last five pages on a technical proposal that my boss knows we are not going to win but he wants me to do it as a "learning experience". Everything I've leveraged for has fallen through and it's a god damn disaster. It's due at midnight tonight.
God, this is so awful. I am cringing just reading this. I am also horrified that I once subscribed to this magazine.
Lay off the Ambien, homegirl.
The pushups are in a 2 minute period, standards divided by age group. I know when I was in the 18-21 age group (seems so long ago now haha), I was able to max the pushups. I believe it was 54 pushups in 2 min for a female to max.
She's awesome. Very down to earth and humble. I haven't heard much from/about her since we all went our separate ways, but I know she'll be an OUTSTANDING officer.
High five for the Monica Lin Brown reference. I served with her in Afghanistan. She, along with myself, and a few others from our unit were picked up for a scholarship program from the Army to become officers (Green to Gold). She's an outstanding soldier and was proud to serve with her.
I'm saying standardize it but standardize it for the job as well. Your HR folks don't need to be PT studs in the same way cav scouts do. Make the standard fair and reflective to the job or branch, but make it non-gender specific. Yes, the number of women who qualify for ranger school will be significantly fewer than…
They are the same for situps, but for the push-up and 2mile run they are still different.
The way this guy wrote this piece makes me want to rage. I've been in the Army since 2005. There isn't a single ounce of me that ever wanted to be in combat arms. But I do subscribe to the school of thought that if you can pass the PT, pass the school, then that is that. Gender shouldn't fucking matter. Yes it…
I was having a convo on google chat about how I was planning on bringing home a turtle for my kid today. Then I click on Jez to read, and this is the first story I see. Oy.