This is so great to get this message out. My aunt was shot and killed in 2001 by her physically abusive boyfriend after getting a restraining order on him. Domestic violence is SO common and SO overlooked, hats off to Mariska for getting out this.
This is so great to get this message out. My aunt was shot and killed in 2001 by her physically abusive boyfriend after getting a restraining order on him. Domestic violence is SO common and SO overlooked, hats off to Mariska for getting out this.
This is so great. Tears in my eyes. They are good and responsible kids, and I'm glad to finally see something go their way. Thanks, Jez!
@outofthebox02: I miss Stephanie March. Cabot is forever my favorite ADA.
Dan what was the hardiest episode for you to write?
I see you guys are doing the "Fuck List" issue in an episode - and I love when actual stories from the news, etc get put in as SVU episodes. I am a huge fan of the show. What other real life issues/stories can we expect to see in the future? Or what would you like to see/write about?
Interesting how assholes like that also cannot spell or punctuate properly. I think if you are unable to communicate properly, your hateful exchange should not be allowed.
@lorax42: @lizardbits:
Oh god I wish I'd discovered this site earlier, I have two great stories.
For real. This is my fucking mantra as I am planning to move to California in March. But unavoidable is the absolute guilt trip I would get for weeks from my mother when I tell her myself and my son will not be coming. But if I go home it would just a guilt trip for moving 3 time zones away in the first place. …
@redpensplease: Agreed that the slurs are fucking awful, but the thing that bothers me the most is Sarah Palin's lack of a response to them.
I hate Sarah Palin, but it's an awful low blow to fuck with Willow, or any of her children. They didn't get to pick a bunch of whackos for parents, so yes they may be a bit fucked up but let's finger point in the right direction here. Leave children out of it.
@Peppermint: Call me crazy, but I think she kinda has a point! I disagree with Brad and Angie. I draw the line there!
I think we should call Fox Mulder.
This reminds me of when I first downloaded music on Napster and I got my account banned for downloading a Roy Orbison song.... To this day, still not sure what happened. LOL.
@Paolo.Lex: so every drunk person on Spring Break consents to being on Girls Gone Wild simply by being drunk in a bar on spring break? logic!fail
@interrogator_chaplain: ohhh that's pretty genius actually!!